Blogs / team / 2010 oct 13th - Meeting minutes

2010 oct 13th - Meeting minutes

Friday 15 October 2010 3:40:01 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

Here are the minutes of this week's meeting. Find the previous ones here.


Date : 2010, oct. 13th.
Participants : Robin, Carlos, Nicolas
Where : skype


Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Migrating the old contribs section

Alex has been developing the import procedures, based on sqliimport. Delivered yesterday, and a few tweaks later, it seems to be all ok. Nicolas could run the migration locally with no problem and after a short inspection, little data loss.
We can plan the actual migration for the end of this week, or the beginning of the following one. Alex aggregated into one single XML file all data : the bulk of it, plus all manually sorted exceptions ( missing account name, duplicate extension, multiple accounts for one fully qualified name ).
Here is an indicative procedure :

  1. Blog-post about this, informing the community on the maintenance day/period.
  2. backing up the whole instance
  3. Symlink projects_import (extension/community/contribs_migration/import/projects_import in's SVN) in's extension repository
  4. Regenerate autoloads
  5. Update sqliimport.ini.append.php (file paths !) + two import handlers (temp storage paths variables)
  6. Unplug "Pre-publish multiplexer" from the 'pre/publish' trigger
  7. disabling the cronjobs (syndication)
  8. Run php extension/sqliimport/bin/php/sqlidoimport.php --source-handlers=contribstep1importhandler
  9. Clear all caches
  10. Run php extension/sqliimport/bin/php/sqlidoimport.php --source-handlers=contribstep2importhandler
  11. Clear all caches
  12. perform various sanity checks (cf extension/community/contribs_migration/import/projects_import/docs/procedure.txt)
  13. Plug the "Pre-publish multiplexer" in the 'pre/publish' trigger again.
  14. Re-enable cronjobs
  15. Blog-post about the end of the migration process, explaining how to find contribs which previously were stored in the section

2/ Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4).

Carlos & Graham worked intensively on this topic, and managed to write a step-by-step procedure for this migration. It will rely on the ezupgrade extension, and also covers the various hacks performed on the instance by the 4.0.2 time. This topic will be closed by running the actual upgrade on the live instance, once the old contribs migration has settled a bit. This will trigger another maintenance time, and the overall performances of will increase a lot.


3/ : needs love and safeguarding provides the API doc for eZ Publish, nightly built tarballs of eZ Publish, and used to provide SVN access to the trunk. The latter point has been disabled since a few weeks, for the GIT-to-SVN bridge is quite tricky to set-up. Gaetano upgraded the various tools there, and we will have to move all of them to another server soon. This will trigger a maintenance downtime. A few more changes should be done, and the whole community will be polled on this, stay tuned. In longer term approach, the content of might be partially merged into (APi docs, Community Project builds).


4/ Cleaning-up

The pre-requisites for this are completing the old contribs migration + the upgrade to 4.4.


New topics

Participation Model for the Community Project (cf discussion thread initialized by Philippe). The team is intensively discussing this topic and should shortly come up with a RFC for the broad community. The “gameplay” resulting of this process will condition participation to the Community Project and to the Community’s life as a whole.


Overflown from last time :

  • Upgrading to eZ 4.4
  • Moving translation process to using GIT
  • Access to Documentation : how to improve ? Need a discussion on “licensing” as well (see ezpedia)

Prioritized next steps

1/ Finish the old contribs migration
2/ Do the upgrade to Fuji (4.4)
3/ Move ahead on building the participation model RFC


Next time

Oct. 27th - 20:30 GMT+2

Blog Post Discussion

2010 oct 13th - Meeting minutes