Blogs / team / 2011 Jan 10 - Meeting minutes

2011 Jan 10 - Meeting minutes

Tuesday 18 January 2011 5:28:02 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

First team meeting of the year, and first minutes ! Read-on to learn more on what the team is busy with.

"Super easy"

2010's last meeting minutes clearly showed we were focusing 100% on what we so far called the Participation Model. Just like we did for the Community Project Governance, we are preparing an RFC on the second cornerstone topic of the eZ Publish Community Project : participation. The idea is to make it super easy for anybody (new comer, routined, experience, long-distance, alumni member) to understand how they can be an integrated part of the eZ Community. What to do, how, where, when.

That is what we still are focusing on at the moment : building this RFC before submitting it to you to engage a discussion. See by yourself, and feel free to comment !

Date : 2011, Jan 10th.
Participants : Robin, Graham, Nicolas
Where : Skype


Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Participation model around the Community Project

Deadline for publishing the RFC : monday, Jan 24th, Graham’s birthday (a present for him !)
Going through the work done so far, Robin populated most of the parts. Remaining parts :

  • Development-related (Community project)
  • Reputation part (badges and karma) : Robin will resume on this one
  • Address all comments/notes.

Actions :

  • proof-read the content itself (ideally a native speaker, for the FINAL version - after the RFC)
  • add the community-project-related badges
  • make simple wire-frames/diagram for explaining the linking and the content structure
  • propose this as a blog post (requires some re-purposing - no sub-page for instance)
  • gather feedback

Prioritized next steps

  1. BIG FOCUS : Participation Model

Next time

Jan. 24th, 20:00 GMT +1

Side note

If you haven't done so yet, you should have a look at how you can transform your eZ Publish into a killer REST machine (and then build mobile apps on top of it, third-party integrations, and more ! ):

Extending eZ Publish’s REST API - Developer Preview #2

Blog Post Discussion

2011 Jan 10 - Meeting minutes