Blogs / team / 2011 June 27th - Meeting minutes

2011 June 27th - Meeting minutes

Wednesday 29 June 2011 11:52:03 am

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By : Robin Muilwijk

We had our meeting a few weeks later because of the Conference, but we are back and moving on really good with the Event extension and started brainstorming on a Job Board feature for the community portal.

Date : 2011, June 27th.
Participants : Robin, Nicolas, Carlos, Thiago, Alex
Where : Skype
Previous meeting minutes 


Prior action points : status + evolution


1/ Event planner 

Status today:
Gilles will produce :

  • DONE : Dedicated content classes
  • DONE : Extension directory (without other existing extension linking)
  • DONE : main settings, overrides
  • IN PROGRESS : main templates (using ez find), and directories, files structure
  • IN PROGRESS : main design (i try to reuse existing CSS), with some enhancements (sort by, next coming up event)
  • IN PROGRESS : Note : need to add ezgmaplocation to the share project

After that, we'll be able to dispatch more developments :

  • The YQL part
  • The community features (logged user)
  • eZ Flow block

Gilles through e-mail: I propose the use SVN, and a specific "ezshevent" extension on the current trunk (without any impact / interactions with other extensions). I'll write an install.txt to explain how to install
Actions still stand :

  • Install ezgmaplocation on : any other action than installing ?
  • Have Gilles create the project on

Note :

  • Anybody committing to one of the remaining tasks should deliver quickly on it, in order to avoid any blocker.

2/ Job Board

Brainstorm on a Job Board feature on
- main goal; to get people in contact for job opportunities
- for freelancers, to post availability
- to post job offers, for partners only (community/business)
- reading to everyone
- posting to the board in general also for partners only
- moderation required
- rule; anything related to ezpublish can be posted on the board (example; mysql, frontend, dba, javascript, php dev, designer, translator, services, webmasters, editors)
- no CV asked because of security/privacy
- profile example;
- Quality assessment : every company hired on a contract and being listed in the yellow pages of the eZ Community will have her "contract counter" increased by 1. The company hiring has the possibility to rate the service delivered. Possibility for the contractee to request endorsement/recommendation from the contractor.
- in a second phase we might consider supporting transactions (payment)
- in a second phase; let the party posting the job, rate the task/person who finished it (badges, reputation system etc)

3/ Clean-up in Participation model and need to be checked and duplicate information removed.

4/ upgrade

Complimentary note to last time : it appears that the ezupgrade extension supports 4.5 now.

5/ Misc

Reset SVN credentials for Alex.

Prioritized next steps

  1. Event planner
  2. Job Board
  3. Participation Model (final tweaks)
  4. Share/Projects Upgrade to 4.5
  5. Clean-up/revamp of

Next time

July 11th 2011, 20:00 CET

Side note :

Conference wrap-up
Release policy for Community Project is published :

Blog Post Discussion

2011 June 27th - Meeting minutes