Blogs / team / 2011 March 28th - Meeting minutes

2011 March 28th - Meeting minutes

Thursday 31 March 2011 12:03:47 pm

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By : Robin Muilwijk

Here are our bi-weekly meeting minutes of the Share Team. We are about to get the portal ( to "fly" on eZ 4.4, and we published the RFC more participation through a reworked “Get Involved”! Be sure to check that out and give your feedback.

Date : 2011, March 28th.
Participants : Robin, Graham, Nicolas
Where : Skype
Previous meeting minutes 2011-03-14.



Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Participation model around the Community Project

The Participation model has been slightly rewritten and re-arranged, it is ready for being published. It was generally made shorter. A last review would be beneficial, up to the team members.
Question : should we publish this as-is, or make it a short RFC ? Graham says we should go for a RFC. Robin proposes to go for a RFC, during which the team is also reviewing and feeding content.
Decision : as soon as it is finished, Nicolas sends the link around to the team’s list, and publishes it. From then on, we have 14 open days for gathering comments.


2/ upgrade

Status : ready for being run on Nicolas’ local platform, and then on the production platform.
All required changes to the extensions were pushed to the 4.4 branch in SVN. The rest is about following the step-by-step procedure.


Additional tasks :

  • Announce the upgrade, blog post about the scheduled maintenance : Robin
  • Running the upgrade on the live platform : Nicolas
  • Announcing the successful upgrade, blog post : interest of upgrading, new features or improvements brought by the latest versions of the extensions/kernel : Robin, Graham & Carlos

Candidate date for the local upgrade on Nicolas’ machine : March 29th. The rest of the schedule will be depending on the outcome of this.


Preparation of the upgrade to 4.5 continues in parallel (Carlos & Graham) :

  • the ezupgrade extension has to support upgrades to 4.5 (check with authors)

3/ Other points

Job Board :

  • set aside for now given the volume of work until the next meeting
  • asking team members to give more feedback on the ML, building-up on Robin’s initial email

Event planner : connection with the Community Project Board likely to be made soon here, since they are in need of having such a feature. :

  • migration to new server finished
  • now pointing to the new server
  • action : post about the migration [Nicolas]

Prioritized next steps

  1. Participation Model
  2. Upgrading to 4.4
  3. Job Board
  4. Clean-up/revamp of

Action list

(cf names in the notes above)


Next time

April 11th, 20:00 GMT+1 (Paris time)


Side note :

A summary has been posted about eZ being present at the php UK 2011 event. Also check out the RFC more participation through a reworked “Get Involved” section!

Blog Post Discussion

2011 March 28th - Meeting minutes