Forums / Developer / Change relative to absolute urls in the whole project

Change relative to absolute urls in the whole project

Author Message

Elena Stoycheva

Thursday 04 November 2010 2:54:00 am

Hi, there,

Yesterday I got an article comparing relative and absolute urls: [] . In brief, the article is saying that absolute urls are much better and safer than the relative urls. I decided to migrate to absolute urls in my project as I just applied parameter type 'full' to ezulr/ezroot opretors in my custom design. The problem, however, is that my project uses some templates from external extensions in which most of the links are relative. So my question is 'Is there any way to change all relative to absolute links in my project'? Any help and experience is appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Iguana IT -

Ivo Lukac

Thursday 04 November 2010 3:44:09 am

In what way are absolute urls safer?

Marko Žmak

Thursday 04 November 2010 6:45:05 am

Elena, note the poll at the end of the article you mentiobned. There are only 10% percent more votes in favour to absolute urls.

Also there are some other issues:

  • since the implementation of every extension depends on the author you cannot get a guarantee that the extension you want to use will have absolute urls
  • absolute urls make difficult for you to switch site to another domain
  • absolute url's can cause you problems if you want a separate mobile site on another subdomain (e.g.

When all summed up, changing all links to absolute urls just isn't worth it...

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