Forums / Developer / Help implementing glossary

Help implementing glossary

Author Message

Tim Dickinson

Wednesday 02 February 2005 3:15:10 pm

Hi everyone,

Has anyone got the glossary working with ezp 3.5?

It is probably something I have missed (it is my first time installing an extension), but I just can't get it to work.

I have added the following code to the top of a couple of templates (and added the relevant words to the Glossary Folder (NodeID=109), and nothing happens:

{"Scan this text for glossary words"|glossary(<true>,<109>, <"replace">)}
	{$var|glossary(<true>,<109>, <"replace">, <"normal">)}

I have also put:


in my site.ini.append.php

Anyone got any idea why this wouldn't be working?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music