Forums / Developer / information for the php scripts's architecture of modules
Fox Mulder
Thursday 27 September 2007 11:40:27 pm
Hello all
I want to find some info about architecture of php scripts of modules and how modules are connected with the entire eZ publish (how modules tage and give infomration to the system) I read these: and there do not gives any technical information.
I want to understand how the koernel's module content wors and how the module connects with the entire system.
10x 2 all
Lazaro Ferreira
Friday 28 September 2007 12:05:33 am
Take a look here
Tuesday 02 October 2007 2:10:20 am
I saw that index.php is the platform and it handle all modules. Is someone knows some inforamtion a about the module engine: how it runs modules (i think it is the class ezmodule and ezmodule::run() method)I also want ot know how works the conntent module. If someone knows some informations, please post it.
10x all
André R.
Tuesday 02 October 2007 3:35:43 am
You are on the right track, but since this stuff is not so well documentet you are a bit on you own. It might help a bit to use the doxygen api reference:
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs