Forums / Developer / Integration - accessing ez user information
Hilary Boyce
Tuesday 04 December 2007 3:07:40 am
I'm investigating whether we can integrate ezpublish with an existing bespoke development that we have. They would be largely independent but I would need to be able to access the ezpublish current user information from within our existing application as it would only be available to logged in users and it seems to make sense to use the ezpublish user administration. Is this possible and could someone please point me in the right direction as to how to do it. I have had a look at the usual php global variables, including session after a ezpublish user is logged in but found nothing useful.
Paul Leclercq
Tuesday 04 December 2007 3:26:51 pm
Hello Hilary,
Once a user is logged it the ezpublish website, you can easily create a page which will display the users information in which ever way you like: will also need to create a custom interface which will log you into both applications at once, and log you out simultaneously.
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Module start 'content'
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