Forums / Developer / TemplateCache problem

TemplateCache problem

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Pierre Tissot

Thursday 23 March 2006 5:04:05 am


I have the following problem in my site, one page is used to show several kind of information depending of a parameter passed to the view:




so the same template shows different information because of the parameter passed.

If I disable the TemplateCache every thing work fine, but i want to enable this because of performance issues and apparently the cache is done with the url without the parameter. No matter what link used above, the page is always the default one and the content do not act dinamically

Is this a limitation of ez or bad way of developing the site

Betsy Gamrat

Thursday 23 March 2006 2:43:58 pm

Try disabling the content/view caching, and reenable the template caching with keys that include the view parameters to ensure each display is properly cached.

{cache-block ... keys=array($node.node_id,$view_parameters.view)}