Forums / Extensions / Paste in ezoe - formatted text sometimes "stick" words?

Paste in ezoe - formatted text sometimes "stick" words?

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Denitsa M.

Friday 12 February 2010 9:12:35 am


recently we came upon a bug in ezoe due to a certain text formatting when pasting text into content. It seems when a certain format is already applied to the text, after paste with mouse-paste or ctrl+v(cmd+v) and publish of object some of the words concatenate to a word infront or behind. Text is for example copied from some random web page in the net. This happens only with some text, and with other no - so it should be a question of corrupted formatting probably, furthermore I tested the same text conventional paste (mouse/kbd) after put it through simple text editor (copy from page into editor, then copy from text editor into ezoe) and the result content is correct.

However, i noticed that if i get the same web text with corrupted formatting and paste into ezoe using the PASTE BUTTON instead of mause-paste/ctrl+v/cmd+v, the text is completely correct after publish, and no "molding" is done between words.

Why there are differences in parsing text when using button to paste, and when pasting with the more common ways (kbd/mouse)? I know that it is a bit frustrating to have in mind the content client put into OE, but it is odd that we should use button in order to make sure for correct content, and be forbidden to use simple ctrl+v for example.


Iguana IT -

André R.

Monday 15 February 2010 1:44:49 am

This is "TinyMCE issue". It is slightly better with newer versions (so are you using 5.0.4?), but there are lots of issues with WSIWG editors since they need to cleanup garbage formating from external sources like MS Word for instance. As for the CTRL+V vs paste dialog, thats because of a issue in Gecko (Firefox), as it does not fire any event for the editor to listen to on keyboard / mouse paste.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Denitsa M.

Tuesday 16 February 2010 8:41:16 am


Andre, thanks for your reply and sorry for delayed answer. The strange thing is I have already tested this with the original TinyMCE at their homepage with the demo they have - the same text is parsed absolutely correctly. Also, I have in usage TinyMCE implemented into a standalone extension for xmlblock datatype, and the paste there is also correct with the same text.


Iguana IT -