Forums / Extensions / Xajax extension for ezPublish 4.x

Xajax extension for ezPublish 4.x

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Fátima Chapri

Sunday 26 April 2009 2:18:57 pm

I looking for xajax extension that is compatible with ezpublish 4.x

I found this link, but I just wanted to be shore that this is the correct one. And if it is, where can I find a zipped format of that one.

Thanks in advance for any answer.

Gary Teh

Saturday 09 May 2009 3:26:14 am

Hi I have not tried using this extension as I needed it prior to its release instead I wrote my own extension the location is here

If you need a tutorial for this, I have it written here.

Gary : Get a Cool website for yourself and also learn how to manage it. It is easy. Use it to get more customers for your business.

Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 13 May 2009 12:38:16 pm

Hi Gary

The location you point us to contains the xajax integration extension written by me, or at least a modified version of it. Is that right? Saying you have written your own is not entirely correct then.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Nabil Imran

Monday 25 May 2009 7:53:33 am

Hi I had several problems with this one ( the original from kristof *g* ). Seems that nobody looks into the forum of the project, so I'll ask here. Might someone have a look at this: ?

<b>In short: I cannot get it to work together with starrating, but I'am not sure if its a bug in the xajax or in the starrating extension. Or if I do something wrong.</b>

Details here:
And here:

Thank you very much for any hint

Bruce Morrison

Monday 25 May 2009 6:26:17 pm


There is a version that works with eZ publish 4.x in subversion . Instead of creating your own version why not join the community as a project member and help out?


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Bruce Morrison

Monday 25 May 2009 7:03:48 pm

Hi Nabil

I'm the author of the star rating extension and contribute to the xajax one. The errors appear to be in xajax which I believe have undergone some changes after the release of star rating.

Where did you get the version of the xajax extension from, projects, subversion of the main ez contributions site?


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Nabil Imran

Tuesday 26 May 2009 8:14:13 am

Hello Bruce. First of all great work! The starrating extension is very nice, when its working *g*

I got the xajax plugin from:
and I also tried the latest from the svn:

I also tried the "Hello World" example coming with ezxajax from the svn and it works perfectly. It seems to be the specific combination of xajax and starrating.

Any idea?

Thank you very much for any hint

Kristof Coomans

Thursday 28 May 2009 12:36:12 pm


I will also take a look tomorrow at the combination and try to fix if anything got broken. I'll keep you updated.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Kristof Coomans

Friday 29 May 2009 4:55:36 am

I've been able to fix some issues, patch is supplied at Bruce, feel free to incorporate it.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Bruce Morrison

Sunday 31 May 2009 11:31:40 pm

Following this up @

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Hugo Sandoval

Monday 30 November 2009 10:15:22 pm

This post is quite old. Today still doesn't exists enough documentation about ajax with ezpublish. Looks like the developers don't like to share their knowledge about it.

- eZjscore extension -> excelent!

- eZstartrating extension -> amazing!

- eZxajax extension -> a very good idea!

- xajax_helloworld -> clearly self explained! (but doesn't work with ezpublish 4.x).

- That someone needs to write some code with ajax features -> Good Luck and Too much Fait!

.·. .·. .·. .·. .·. .·. .·.

Kristof Coomans

Sunday 06 December 2009 1:49:53 am

Hi Hugo

I'll have a look at xajax_helloworld and fix any issues. I'll keep you updated.

For further instructions on how to program with xajax, the best source is the xajax documentation at

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Kristof Coomans

Sunday 06 December 2009 2:57:04 am

Hi again Hugo

I guess you are trying to use the xajax extension with eZ Publish 4. It was renamed though to ezxajax. The old version under the name xajax is not compatible with eZ Publish 4 afaik.

Please use the ezxajax and ezxajax_helloworld extensions from on eZ Publish 4.x.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Hugo Sandoval

Tuesday 08 December 2009 4:24:18 am

I'd use both, xajax and ezxajax... One show me the entire page with the results inside <div id="container"></div>. The another one did not work at all... After many retry and retry and too many tests and errors, then i can successfully use ezjscore with:

jQuery.ez( 'ezjsctemplate::' + templateName ...

I must admit that it is an excelent solution but isn't well documented, sorry isn't documented at all, because you must decode the source to understand something.

The ezxajax extension is more easy and friendly but i can't make it work, i imagine that i was tired and didn't look further in the code.

Thank you very much for the topic answers.

.·. .·. .·. .·. .·. .·. .·.

Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 09 December 2009 12:01:53 pm

Hi Hugo

If you explain me exactly which steps you followed in order to get ezxajax / ezxajax_helloworld installed, I'd be happy to tell you what you did wrong.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |