Forums / General / ezinfo/about and other standard pages
Maarten Holland
Thursday 22 July 2004 1:20:32 am
Hi all,
I've noticed that there is a page ezinfo/about. Am I allowed to disable this page or is this a sort of copyright that must be enabled?
I also like to know if there are more of this sort of pages so I'm not publicing information without my knowledge.
Thank you,
Ole Morten Halvorsen
Tuesday 27 July 2004 6:11:22 am
Hi Maarten,
Yes you are free to disable the ezinfo/about page if you want.If I am not mistaken you can remove this by commenting out PolicyOmitList[]=ezinfo in your site.ini file. Users wanting to view the ezinfo/about will now require permission which they don`t have by default.
Look through the kernel/ directory for different modules/views which you might not need and can disable.
Ole M.
Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology eZ Certified Developer
Tuesday 27 July 2004 7:32:42 am
Thank you Ole,
It's not that I don't want to give eZ systems the credits you deserve, but this is for a corporate page and my CEO probably doesn't want it :-(
I've disabled it using a virtual URL that maps to my root page. I'll go and check the kernel/ directory for other views.
Alexandre Cunha
Sunday 26 September 2004 11:56:40 am
well, creating a virtual url to overide ezinfo/<anything> doest work on ezp 3.4.2 PolicyOmitList[]=ezinfo doest work too.Any ideas without the need to dig in the php code ?
Luc Chase
Sunday 17 April 2011 12:17:34 pm
Blocking or disabling ezinfo can be done in a couple of ways. On Apache you could add some .htaccess or RewiteRules and/or within eZ you could add some policy omit rules. But why? It's not going to make a site any more secure. Is this a way of ( not ) solving a problem that doesn't exist? What risks does this step resolve? I doubt that not announcing your version number and installed extensions is a way to secure a system. If the site is vulnerable to attack I don't think it would be because the ezinfo/about is working.Security through obscurity is not best practice... it's not even second-best. Your system needs to be made secure; even when everyone knows how it works. One reason why widely used opensource software tends towards being very secure.
The Web Application Service Provider
Sunday 17 April 2011 3:37:12 pm
Hello Martin,
You can add the following code to your site.ini override (settings/override/site.ini.append.php)
This code should disable the module view across all siteaccesses.
I hope this helps others. Normally I recommend against disabling this view.
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