Forums / General / How to disable user account
ondra ilcik
Tuesday 23 August 2005 1:24:27 pm
Hi there,
is it possible to disable an user account?
In ezuser_settings I've found column named "is_enabled". I set it to "0" for a testing user, which caused he was not able to login - so it seems this is what I'm looking for. But I don't know how to set it through the admin. interface.
Thanks in advance!
Kristof Coomans
Wednesday 24 August 2005 6:00:48 am
You can go to user/setting/(userid) to disable/enable a user. Replace (userid) with the id of your user, this is the same as it's contentobject_id.
In the standard view template for the datatype ezuser there's a link to this page (at least in eZ publish 3.6, don't know for older versions).
So in the admin interface of eZ publish 3.6, you can just go to the full view of your user, and click on the link "Configure user account settings" in the preview window.
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