Forums / General / No bookmarks when embedding existing object

No bookmarks when embedding existing object

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Andrew Kelly

Wednesday 02 May 2007 7:24:52 am

Hi all,
following scenario:

-Editing an object, whose class contain at least one attribute of type XML Block
-Using the OE within one of the afore mentioned attributes
-Click "insert object" (paperclip icon) and select "add existing".
At this point a window renders which begins with the text "Choose Objects", and explains, among other things, that bookmarks can be used to expedite object selection. In the past, the editor's bookmarks were listed below this bit of explanation and were available for selection.

At some point in the past, those booksmarks stopped being displayed and I'm curious as to why. Is this a fault in my version of the OE, or is there an ini setting which controls this, which I may at some point have incorreclty altered?
Sorry, but I'm not able to exactly identify when the bookmarks disappeared. The most I can narrow it down is, they were there in 3.7.x
Currently I'm running 3.8.6 (OE 4.1.4).

Anybody seen this or know what I might have bunged?

Help much appreciated.
