Forums / General / Upgrade plans for EzPublish v3 -> 3.1 etc. Available and in the roadmap??
Jørgen Skogstad
Saturday 26 April 2003 11:53:21 am
Just curious about this since I would not like to be stranded on a given version .. and then have to redo _alot_ of work upgrading to a newer version.
What are the plans to provide an upgrade path to a newer version of EzPublish? This should be provided and part of the release plan of Ez, but I have not seen any statements about this.
Anyone that knows anything .. and/or have information to share??!
Kindest,Jørgen SKogstad
Ekkehard Dörre
Sunday 27 April 2003 3:29:00 am
You read the information on ?
Greetings,ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how: CJW Newsletter: -
Wednesday 30 April 2003 2:16:09 pm
Yep .. there is nothing there about that .. what I was wondering was if upgrade database scripts / ++ was available and the _supported_ way of updating a server install to a new version.
.. this should be an integral part of EzPublish. It might very well be there, but I have not seen anything that commits Ez do do release planning in this way. I just want to know if people are "stranded" on the install they have .. or have a seamless upgrade path as long as they follow the track of the releases.
Paul Borgermans
Friday 02 May 2003 12:45:18 am
Don't worry,
You only get "stranded" when you modify the existing php scripts and leave them the currrent modules.
Database upgrades have been there since the beta series.
Make sure all your settings are in the override dirs and use a siteacces that is not called user/demo/admin/standard.
Then, upgrading is just a matter of database upgrades (if any) and the copying of files + modfixing + ownership (webserver userid) and clearing the cache. Stop the apache server daemons to be sure no database corruption can occur during the upgrades. See also the user contributed docs if you are upgrading from the svn repositories (and keep track of changes in the database upgrade scripts).
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training
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