Forums / Install & configuration / Increased PHP.ini to 20 M, EZP install still says it is 8M

Increased PHP.ini to 20 M, EZP install still says it is 8M

Author Message

Harry Kleinsmit

Thursday 20 November 2003 11:36:04 am

My host has increased the PHP.ini file from 8M to 12M into 20M. However, I still get the following message:

"....eZ publish will not work correctly with a memory limit of 8M. It's highly recommended that you fix this...."

What should I do ?? Dathorn has double checked the PHP.ini and really is 20M. Awaiting your comments. Thanks.

Paul Borgermans

Thursday 20 November 2003 12:35:49 pm

Maybe they forgot to restart apache or php expects its ini file to be elsewhere?


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