Forums / Install & configuration / Installation problem (Can't connect to the database)

Installation problem (Can't connect to the database)

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Tomas Engström

Tuesday 04 December 2007 3:23:28 am

Hey m8

i have some installation problems... running

ran the installation and it stopped when i filled out the information for the database connection...

i am currently running PHP Version 4.4.7 on IIS and mysql 5.0 on my home computer

i gave the installation the root access, but no result and i created a new database for root and granted full access ...

[ grant all on ezpublish.* to root@localhost identified by 'password'; ]

i created a new user for the database server (global) and with full access and gave the installation the connection information, but it keeps saying:

"The database would not accept the connection, please review your settings and try again. "

so i figured maybe the windows firewall is blocking so i gave it tcp access (manually), but no result...

so here i am ;) anyone got any tips?

or maybe someone can tell me which file i can hack so i can do a work-around in the .php file myself..... so i can post the error here so you can update the "bug" in the CMS.....


Paul Leclercq

Tuesday 04 December 2007 3:33:59 pm


I would recommend you try creating a simple php script on your server before installing ezpublish

try this:

$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "mysql_user", "mysql_password")
or die("Impossible de se connecter : " . mysql_error());
echo 'my connection worked';

You will need to make sure you MySQL server is properly runny and interfaced with your server before trying to install ezPublish, maybe installing MySQL query browser or phpmyadmin would help:

I would also recommend using apache, if you can. Since this is the standard for php applications and you would probably get more active support for this type of configuration.

Mark Marsiglio

Tuesday 04 December 2007 5:53:35 pm

you also might try root@ instead of localhost. If that works it might point you to a problem with the mysql.sock.
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Tomas Engström

Wednesday 05 December 2007 12:49:22 pm

aa ye thx guys i will try the ip address instead of the name service ;)

and im not sure but i dont think the webserver has anything to do with the
connection problem, i think it is the mysql service...

but anyways thx a lot guys


Fátima Chapri

Monday 10 December 2007 2:07:29 pm


I had the same problem and used the following:

mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('newpwd');