Forums / Install & configuration / Patch for systems without phpcli

Patch for systems without phpcli

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Rob Rob

Monday 20 June 2005 3:15:33 am

On my shared account I don't have access with shell oder root right. This causes that the runcronjob was not running.

So I looked up the forum to find a simple solution for me. I found this and tested it.

I works fine after I called my runcronjobs.php in the browser like

So my question is, what problems can cause this? I expect problems if the script is called very often and the server suffers, any other problems that I have to expect?
Something simple to heal this disadvantage?

Thanks for comments



Monday 20 June 2005 3:53:41 am

Basicly your main concern should be timeouts.

When you run the runcronjobs from the web you will get a timeout at a certain point.

This means you might break your db.

So if you are in a need of running crons, I would recommend switching the host.

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