Forums / Install & configuration / Policy for translators
Marc Boon
Monday 10 April 2006 8:19:55 am
I tried to setup a user policy for translators, which are allowed to translate existing objects, but not modify the original language. So far without success.These are the policies for the Translator role:
user login no limitations content read Section(Standard) content translate Section(Standard) content translations no limitations
The problem is that the user can not get into translating mode, because for the Translate button to be visible, you have to be in Edit mode first, and I don't want to allow editing of the original language content by translators, they shouldonly be allowed to translate, preferably only into a specific language.How to do this?
Ćukasz Serwatka
Monday 10 April 2006 10:51:12 pm
Which version of eZ publish do you use? Improved permission system for translations is implemented in 3.8. Currently beta1 version is out. Take a look on spec:
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Wednesday 12 April 2006 4:40:30 am
I installed 3.8.0beta1, update the database by running the mysql update scripts, but I have problem running the update/common/scripts/updatetranslations.php script (from w2k commandline). It says: Siteaccess was not given or does not exist. Exiting...How do I specify the siteaccess? Do I have to run the script for all siteaccess, including admin?
FIXED: I didn't have ezpublish in my PHP include path. Now the script works.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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