Forums / Install & configuration / Translation Problems

Translation Problems

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pierre luxey

Wednesday 23 July 2003 3:01:20 am

I have installed ez 3.0 on my server and this version support multilanguage. I can with this system translate articles in different language (eng-US and fre-FR). I have now installed ez 3.1-1 rev 2703 with the same siteaccess configuration. My new system can't translate object as article . I can translate in french or american only with i18n command. But for the article or others objects there is a problem. I have upgraded my database, with the dbupdate include in the distribution. Where is the problem please ?

LUXEY Pierre
Poor french in ez problems

pierre luxey

Wednesday 23 July 2003 5:13:48 am

I have two problems:
1- A bab configuration of my siteaccess. In site.ini, I have this lines:
and in override/site.ini.append.php you can't override Locale ,HTTPLocale and ContentObjectLocale. But in each siteaccess you must override this parameters in differents language.

2- When you use the patch to update my database. My problem in ezcontent was:
content_translation | real_translation |
|fre-FR | eng-US |

I was no translations in fre-FR, I do an update on the table ezcontentobject to have this result
content_translation | real_translation |
|fre-FR | fre-FR |
And now it's wonderfull the translation of objects in ez 3.1 work.

LUXEY Pierre