Forums / Setup & design / anchors added before headers
Matt Gifford
Tuesday 22 July 2008 8:04:17 am
Hi all.
I've noticed that anchor tags are being added before the header tags in any content I place in:
<a name="eztoc250_0_1" id="eztoc250_0_1"></a>
Why is this happening? How can I turn it off?
Many thanks
André R.
Tuesday 22 July 2008 1:05:25 pm
It's coming from the content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/header.tpl,just override that template in your own design (place a copy in the same position in your design) without the eztoc part:
<a name="eztoc{$toc_anchor_name}" id="eztoc{$toc_anchor_name}"></a>
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE @:
Emmanuel Courmont
Friday 29 August 2008 3:31:41 pm
I would like to use these anchors (name and id) to create a table of content.
In other words, I have an XML block with headers. The template will display the list of header (level 2 for example) link to the anchor auto-generated by the template.
I could get the anchor and heading name looking through the attribute and generate the list of links, but it's not really nice...
Is there any other way to generate a table of content from an XML block ?
Monday 01 September 2008 9:36:49 pm
Okay as usually, it's easy when you got the right "operator".
It works fine with eZP 4.0