Forums / Setup & design / Efficient changing of {section} output
Tristan Koen
Thursday 24 July 2003 1:17:16 am
I have a page where I fetch() a number of records from a folder. When displaying these records in a section, I want to display the first one differently. What is the most efficient way to do this. I am using the following code: (it works fine, but seems a bit of a kludge)
<h2>{$|wash}</h2> {let news_cats=fetch('content',list,hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id,limit,3))} {section name=News loop=$news_cats max=1} <h3><a href={concat('content/view/full/',$News:item.node_id)|ezurl}>{$News:item.data_map.title.content}</h3></a> <div>{$News:item.data_map.intro.content.output.output_text}</div> <br /> {/section} {section name=News2 loop=$news_cats offset=1} <h3><a href={concat('content/view/full/',$News2:item.node_id)|ezurl}>{$News2:item.data_map.title.content}</h3></a> <br /> {/section} {/let}<a href={concat('content/view/full/',$node.node_id)|ezurl}>[ Read more articles... ]</a>
Jan Borsodi
Thursday 24 July 2003 1:26:00 am
You could use one 'section' to loop trough the items and then another one to check for that specific first item. {section loop=$new_cats} <h3><a...></a></h3> {section show=eq($:index,0)} <div>...</div> {/section}{/section}
'index' is a variable generated by the section when it loops, it start at 0 and increases as each item is processed.A 'number' variable is also available which starts at 1 and increases.
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Friday 25 July 2003 12:29:59 am
Ah! Thanks. Thats exactly what I was looking for. In my initial attempts I was trying {section show=eq($news_cats.1,0)} ... {/section}which didn't work at all. I have to assume that the fetch('content',line,hash(....)) function doesn't return an array then? Any clarification you can give me on this point would be appreciated.
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