Forums / Setup & design / Fatal error

Fatal error

Author Message

Micke Karlgren

Thursday 02 December 2004 10:25:30 am

Does anyone know how to fix this.
http://localhost/index.php/plain works.
http://localhost/index.php/plain_admin get an error. eZ debug=


Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in c:\ezpublish\ezpublish\lib\ezxml\classes\ezxml.php on line 285
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

eZ debug
Timing: Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Script start

Timing: Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Module start 'user'

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'Welcome to eZ publish administration' with comment()

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/layout): 'To log in enter a valid login and password.' with comment()

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Could not login' with comment()

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'A valid username and password is required to login.' with comment()

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Access not allowed' with comment()

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Login' with comment()

Warning: eZTranslationCache::setContextCache Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
Translation cache for context 'cachecontexts' already exists

Warning: ezi18n Dec 02 2004 19:18:01
No translation for file(translation.ts) in context(design/standard/user): 'Password' with comment()

Timing points:
Checkpoint Elapsed Rel. Elapsed Memory Rel. Memory
Script start 0.0000 sec 0.0891 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Module start 'user' 0.0891 sec 0.0000KB 0.0000KB
Total runtime: 30.3418 sec

Time accumulators:
Accumulator Elapsed Percent Count Average
Load cache 0.0329 sec 0.1084% 6 0.0055 sec
Mysql Total
Mysql_queries 0.0007 sec 0.0022% 1 0.0007 sec
Looping result 0.0001 sec 0.0002% 1 0.0001 sec
Template Total
Template load 0.0000 sec 0.0000% 0 0.0000 sec
Template parser: create text elements 0.0032 sec 0.0105% 1 0.0032 sec
Template parser: remove whitespace 0.0005 sec 0.0017% 1 0.0005 sec
Template parser: construct tree 0.0200 sec 0.0659% 1 0.0200 sec
Template load and register function 0.0105 sec 0.0347% 1 0.0105 sec
Cache load 0.0276 sec 0.0911% 1 0.0276 sec
TS translator
TS init 27.1790 sec 89.5437% 8 3.3974 sec
TS cache load 0.0017 sec 0.0057% 1 0.0017 sec
TS context load 0.0005 sec 0.0018% 1 0.0005 sec
TS load 26.6013 sec 87.6403% 7 3.8002 sec
TS store cache 0.0639 sec 0.2106% 7 0.0091 sec
String conversion 0.0733 sec 0.2415% 8 0.0092 sec
String conversion w/ mbstring 0.0719 sec 0.2368% 8 0.0090 sec
Total script time: 30.3528 sec

Micke Karlgren

Thursday 02 December 2004 10:57:27 am

I've found a solution in anoter post:

Modifie ezxml.php with set_time_limit function.


Insert it on line 2 under the <?php
