Forums / Setup & design / How to include a 'Add to Basket' button in a list view of products
Adolfo Barragán
Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:42:53 pm
In my list of products I need include the "Add to Basket" button for every product of the list.
I put this code, but it does not work:
{section name=Child loop=$:products sequence=array( bglight, bgdark )} ... <input type="image" name="ActionAddToBasket" src={"addtocart.gif"|ezimage} width="32" height="32" alt="Add to Basket" /> ...{/section}
How can I assign $ContentObjectID to the correct value (The Object ID associated to the button pressed).
Thanks in advanceAdolfo Barragan
Paul Forsyth
Wednesday 17 September 2003 1:42:17 am
I've answered this on the developers forum in reply to the same post you put there.
There is no need to cross post.
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