Forums / Setup & design / I want 'Read more' at the end of the intro text

I want 'Read more' at the end of the intro text

Author Message

Mark Overduin

Wednesday 27 August 2003 3:02:36 am

'Read more' is not directly at the end of the intro text...

- - - - -
This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article.

- - - - -

I want 'Read more' (I have an image for it; an arrow) to be at the end of the intro text of an article.

Like this:
- - - - -
This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. This is my article. READ MORE >>
- - - - -

I tried to do it in line_article.tpl, but that's not the 'problem'. ezP3 automatically adds '<p>' and '</p>' to the intro text (and by doing that, it's applying a design). I don't want that. How do I change it?

I think ezP3 should not be involved in design. Using html tags is creating a design.

-- Mark


Wednesday 27 August 2003 4:21:28 am

I understand what you're trying to do. I don't know how to remove the p tag.

But I have another suggestion if you have just one paragraph in the intro(s). If you have, you can move the read more link code in the template into the intro div. And after that you can use css to set the <p> of the intro <div> to inline instead of block. That way the other inline element the a tag of the 'read more' will flow behind it instead of under it.

Something like this:
.intro p {display: inline;}

Also if you don't want the p's maybe you can change the intro field from a XML Text field to a Text Field (which I assume doesn't generate the p tag).

------------------------------- &

Mark Overduin

Wednesday 27 August 2003 4:35:53 am


".intro p {display:inline;}" does the trick. Now it looks exactly the way I want it to look :D

-- Mark

Bjørn Kaarstein

Wednesday 27 August 2003 11:15:07 am

Hi Mark.

Probably your intro is an XML textfield, and then EZpublish automatically uses a bunch of different templates (ezxmltext & ezxmltags) from the standard design folder.

If you turn on

- you'll see which ones are used. Then you also have the possibility to remove paragraphs from these templates.
You can also override these templates, just by placing them in the right folder in the yourdesign/override/ folder.
Regards Bjørn