Forums / Setup & design / Multilanguage siteaccess and overrides

Multilanguage siteaccess and overrides

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Massimo Sanna

Wednesday 14 December 2005 6:11:34 am

Hi there, I just setup a multilanguage website, that features ita-IT as default and eng-US as secondary language.
I created the two folders in siteaccess, so I ended up with:

I read all the documentation I was able to find about this subject, but it looks like everybody just creates a site.ini.append.php in the new siteaccess folders and it works as expected, taking the design from the main siteaccess.
I obviously inserted SiteDesign=main and AdditionalSiteDesignList[]=base, but every override, toolbar and everything was not working in the "en" siteaccess.
So I tried to create symbolic links pointing from ../main/override.ini.append.php (together with every other file in the dir), and it works.
Is this the correct way? I don't find it so obvious to mantain 2 different siteaccess with different files, because I should create everything 2 times. Maybe there is some black magic trick to put in site.ini.append I'm not aware of?

Second thing: the servervar matchorder method.
It seems like it could enable ezpublish to automatically choose a siteaccess, looking at the server variables, but beside a couple of rows in the new documentation I cannot find anything about this. It's almost an undocumented feature...
Can someone illuminate me about its use?

Thank you in advance,

Massimo Sanna

Friday 16 December 2005 3:22:27 am

Please... does anybody has some idea on this subject?
Yesterday I was trying to display some template informations which would be different for the english part.
So, I tried to rely on the fallback system of ez publish, and I created a "en" sitedesign.
In the english site.ini.append I put


...but I only got a proper homepage displayed, with the header include modified accordingly to my desire (I'm overriding pagelayout on the home node), and the rest was skinned with the base layout. Why didn't it use my main layout before trying with base?
I'm crawling in the dark...

Thank you in advance,

Antonio Buonanno

Saturday 17 December 2005 2:47:23 pm

Ciao Massimo ho letto il tuo post e dato che mi trovo nella tua stessa situazione volevo saperee se avevi risolto il problema.
Grazie mille.


Daniele P.

Monday 19 December 2005 12:46:53 am

> I don't find it so obvious to mantain 2 different siteaccess with different files, because I should create everything 2 times. Maybe there is some black magic trick to put in site.ini.append I'm not aware of?

Hi Massimo,
you could place the common setting in a custom extension, see:
Of course in this way you can't edit those setting from the web interface.

> It seems like it could enable ezpublish to automatically choose a siteaccess

in your override/siti.ini



Massimo Sanna

Monday 19 December 2005 2:59:56 am

Hi there, in my override/site.ini.append.php there is already DefaultAccess=main, but it seems to work only for the homepage...
Every other page falls back to standard layout... mah

Bruce Morrison

Thursday 29 December 2005 10:23:25 pm

Hi Massimo

Regarding the AdditionalSiteDesignList issue there is a bug in current versions of eZ that uses the incorrect order for these files in some cases. See


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