Forums / Setup & design / No input file specified.

No input file specified.

Author Message

Geert Pierloot

Monday 15 December 2003 2:46:55 am

The setup script worked perfect. But now I am stuck, I can't access my admin pages.

I have Tierranet as provider which offers following services:

Apache (web server) Apache/1.3.28 (Unix)
FreeBSD (operating system) 4.8-RELEASE
GCC (compiler) 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD]
Miva 3.9602
Miva Virtual Machine 4.1000
MySQL (database) 4.0.13-log
Perl 5.008
PHP 4.3.3
PHP3 3.0.18

more info about the Php settings: