Forums / Setup & design / Problem with a tutorial about information collector email sending

Problem with a tutorial about information collector email sending

Author Message

Daniele Conci

Tuesday 07 December 2010 1:53:49 am

Hi everyone!

i followed the tutorial

this tutorial explains how to create a custom form, with a feedback form and a feedback email.

I did most of everything, and it works great! I got my form, with the custom feedback form, and the collectors collects!

I'm not able to make work the email part.

i explain the steps of that i did:

1. I modified the ovveriding collect.ini.append.php, exactly as explained in the tutorial. Thus the email sending should be enabled. The spelling is also correct.

2. i have been in the folder /extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/collectedinfomail/ of my EZPublish, backuping and then editing feedback.tpl, form.tpl, and creating also a membership_application_form.tpl. The edit is about writing the Email template for form results template inside those 3 files. (page 4 of the tutorial, last template, bottom)

3. i created into my site structure the object, setting correctly the membership_coordinator_email_address

These steps are about the email part, and i cant get why email are not sent to the specified email address. I checked also the spam section of my email account, but nothing is there.

So I got a couple of doubt i cant resolve: maybe i'm working on the wrong collectedinfomail templates? is there some more unspecified action i should do to enable emails? do i have to do an override to make new email template effective? where and how?

Do you have any idea or suggestion?

Thanks a lot people for every single reply!

Hope i can get the point!

Best regards


Daniele Conci

Tuesday 07 December 2010 2:42:21 am

More about my ini settings:

site.ini.append.php, folder siteaccess, cointains:



site.ini.append.php, folder override, contains:


EmailSender= is my email. There is something wrong in there, i feel it... but i'm not able to get what is!

I tried to test some user registrations. No email is sent to the destination, the email settings doesn't work out

Daniele Conci

Tuesday 07 December 2010 10:35:19 am

Solved!... but there is a new matter now :

how do i create an email with attachment through this way?

I'm totally able to create an email with attachment with PHP, using PHPmailer class, but how do i integrate this in an information collector feedback ?