Forums / Setup & design / Same subject in forum topic and reply

Same subject in forum topic and reply

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Aleksandar Adam

Wednesday 27 July 2005 5:04:01 am

I have the following structure in my forum:

forum topic1
|---- forum reply 1
|---- forum reply 2

I would like that users can write their message for the "forum reply" but I want that "forum reply" has "Re:" + forum topic subject, it means that I don't want that users write subject of the "forum reply" on their own. How to achieve this?

Any help will be appreciated

David Eriksson

Wednesday 27 July 2005 5:13:20 am

An idea would be to remove the subject from replies, and code the templates to output "Re: {$topic.object.data_map.subject}", or whatever the code would be.


Aleksandar Adam

Wednesday 27 July 2005 5:52:58 am

But the problem is that I have a list which is shown on the other page and the list is updated after published topic or reply, so I have something like this:

new forum reply
new forum topic
new forum reply
new forum reply

How to test that fetched item in the list is of the "forum reply" class and how to connect it to the right topic to pick up "topic" subject to get this "Re: ...." ?