Forums / Setup & design / send email to administrator when article comment is submitted?!
Daniele Nocentini
Friday 25 March 2005 3:17:46 am
it is possible to allow the anonymous users to publish an article comment but an eamil send to administrator? as I can make this?
Antica Bottega Digitale srl
Łukasz Serwatka
Friday 25 March 2005 3:32:31 am
Of course. You can add "Article" folder to Administrator notification settings and configure cronjob to run runcronjobs.php script for every 15 min for example. So when Anonymous user creates new object (New comment), Administrator user will recive a e-mail.
My account->My notification settings
Personal website -> Blog (about eZ Publish) ->
Friday 25 March 2005 4:03:56 am
ok, but I'm in difficulty for setup cli php on windows machine!
I can try to run runcronjobs.php via browser but I receive this error:
#!/usr/bin/env php PHP is currently using the 'apache2handler' interface. Make sure it is using the 'cli' interface.
Ok I undestand that the php must running in cli mode, but now I'm develope ez on a windows 2000 pro machine and I don't know how can I configure the apache for running php in cli interface.
Friday 25 March 2005 4:48:41 am
You can use "Schedule Agent". Go to Control Panel->Scheduled task and add new task.
For windows look in to PHP_ROOT\CLI\PHP.exe
More about Schedule Agent you can find in Windows help.
Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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