Forums / Setup & design / this will drive me crazy .. shell i have 2 admin site ?!

this will drive me crazy .. shell i have 2 admin site ?!

Author Message

Selmah Maxim

Monday 01 September 2003 4:53:38 am

The whole idea of my site is build on approve workflow, now the site bilingual, so user can submit in to language .. very nice ...

But the problem that admin settings can see just 1 language ... I mean if I have english site, and arabic site, the user submitted his data from arabic site, and the admin 'RegionalSettings' is on english I cann`t see the articale to approve, even I cann`t see the versions !!

So what the solution for this, i`m really think to make new admin site, to have 2 admin site one for english and the another one fro arabic site ... what you think ?!

thx in advance.

Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 02 September 2003 12:31:11 am

any help... or idea ... please ... almost finished ,,, I found this in the last test befor publishing the site ... this site is onhold because of this !

Bjørn Kaarstein

Tuesday 02 September 2003 1:33:29 am

Bare in mind that this is only a suggestion...

In ezp3.1 the admin interface is built up my several different templates to improve the layout of the predefined classes.
It might boil down to be a template problem. I had a similar problem, after renaming the attributes of a predefined class.
Try to check which templates is used. Maybe you'll need to modify them.

Regards Bjørn

Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 02 September 2003 2:50:06 am

I have tried somehow, but din`t work for me, it loading :


am upset ... :(

Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 02 September 2003 4:46:15 am

can please tell what changes u have done to view it in the collaboration part of admin ?

btw. just in collaboration part i have this problem !

Selmah Maxim

Tuesday 02 September 2003 11:35:40 pm

Its look like that no one using approve workflow with multi-bilingual site !

Please help me out of this with idea or solution !

Jan Borsodi

Wednesday 03 September 2003 1:54:14 am

Do you get a blank listing, for instance check the debug output (with sql debug on) and see if the query for the object returns any rows.



Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 03 September 2003 2:13:31 am

Hi Jan ...

its easy to check the sql debug, but i don`t think any1 can know which query is the needed debug, i got more than 4 page sql debug :(

any way, when i cjange the 'RegionalSettings' to eng-GB I got the data, but I got black listing with any another language, and from the dubeg i get just this query with 0 rows :

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 2.571 ms) query number per page:1 Mar 04 2004 12:03:47
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentobject_tree.*, as class_name
, as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
, ezcontentobject_name
WHERE md5_path = '22016f8fa5b336a09c3b20c0d2a02262' AND AND
ezcontentclass.version=0 AND = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id
and ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'hu'

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 3.489 ms) query number per page:6 Mar 04 2004 12:03:47
SELECT id, collaboration_id, message_id, message_type, participant_id, created, modified
FROM ezcollab_item_message_link
WHERE collaboration_id='1'

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 2.992 ms) query number per page:12 Mar 04 2004 12:03:47
SELECT ezcontentobject.*,
ezcontentobject_tree.*, as class_name
FROM ezcontentobject_tree,
WHERE ezcontentobject_tree.contentobject_id=127 AND
ezcontentobject_tree.main_node_id = ezcontentobject_tree.node_id AND AND
ezcontentclass.version=0 AND = ezcontentobject.contentclass_id

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(0 rows, 23.086 ms) query number per page:13 Mar 04 2004 12:03:47
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.* from ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '127' AND
ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'hu'
ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC


ezcontentobject.* , as name, ezcontentobject_name.real_translation
, ezcontentobject_name
ezcontentobject_link.from_contentobject_id='127' AND
and = ezcontentobject_name.contentobject_id and
ezcontentobject.current_version = ezcontentobject_name.content_version and
ezcontentobject_name.content_translation = 'hu' ;;

###------------ why here is 2 ';;' above ------------ ##

is this bug or I have some mistake here with the template, or with the data insertion ?

thx alot !!

Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 03 September 2003 2:20:45 am

Jan ...

This query in english i got all my fields and with hungarian lang. i got 0 :

Notice: eZMySQLDB::query(43 rows, 39.769 ms) query number per page:13 Mar 04 2004 12:17:30
SELECT ezcontentobject_attribute.* from ezcontentobject_attribute, ezcontentclass_attribute
ezcontentclass_attribute.version = '0' AND = ezcontentobject_attribute.contentclassattribute_id AND
ezcontentobject_attribute.version = '1' AND
ezcontentobject_attribute.contentobject_id = '127' AND
ezcontentobject_attribute.language_code = 'eng-GB'
ezcontentclass_attribute.placement ASC

Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 03 September 2003 5:02:01 am

Jan , don`t you think the 'language_code' should be removed from the query for the approve workflow ?

Selmah Maxim

Wednesday 03 September 2003 10:36:05 pm

Help Please !

Tony Wood

Thursday 04 September 2003 12:35:26 am


I can't help you with the problem, I wish i could, it sounds like your really stuck. When i have been in this situation when I could not get support on the forums. I used my support contract with eZ to get the problem answered. We have used it to solve several problems. If this project is critical then give it a whirl.

I hope it gets you to be able to solve the current problem.


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

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Selmah Maxim

Thursday 04 September 2003 1:01:19 am

Hi Tony ,,,

I don`t have 'support contract' with ezp , but i`ll will as soon my site is up, coz i`ll need some help for server & ezp config !

But now what to do :( ....

Tony Wood

Thursday 04 September 2003 1:49:30 am


You can buy support by the hour if need be... it not pricey. Don't wait get it know and solve your problem, its cheaper than you banging your head on the wall.


Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

Power to the Editor!

Free eZ Training :
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Selmah Maxim

Thursday 04 September 2003 7:31:28 am

But Tony this base thing, I mean I don`t need custom scripting or config (at this time), this problem is not specific just 2 me, this base idea must be done and work, and I think they just forgor it, becuz admin site can have just 1 language settings, and they forgot .. what if the site is bilingual .. then admin MUST ignor the another site ?!

This base work !


Paul Forsyth

Thursday 04 September 2003 7:44:51 am

This is another use of support, getting ez to finish what they started.

When we started with our e-commerce site we used our support to find out how to write workflow code to link with our commerce engine. This should have been in ez3 from the start but for some reason it is not.


Alex Jones

Thursday 04 September 2003 8:48:06 am


Paul and Tony are right. sometimes you need to buy the support to get eZ to focus on the areas /you/ need. They have a ton of tasks on their plate, and if you want something to have a higher priority you need to make it worthwhile for them to pause work on something else that is considered important.

It also comes down to an equation for you: the worth of your time worth vs. the cost to pay them to fix it or provide you an answer.

It can be frustrating at times, but getting the support when you need it is worth your while.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Selmah Maxim

Friday 05 September 2003 2:49:05 am

OK ... i`ll pay for support .. but 1st just let me know if this my mistake or its missing code from the ezp ?!

2nd where to pay, Ihad read read 1 hour 129$ ... how they will count this hour(s) ... should i pay now or after, what if they said this a week job ?!

Selmah Maxim

Saturday 06 September 2003 1:07:54 am

more info plz about support ... please !

Paul Forsyth

Saturday 06 September 2003 2:15:43 am

If you pay for support then specify that you want to them to spend X hours on that problem. Be very specific on that. Also, chat to them before they start work on it how long they think it will take. You may have your own estimate.
