Forums / Setup & design / Updating priorities through "siteaccess plain"

Updating priorities through "siteaccess plain"

Author Message

Nabil Alimi

Friday 11 November 2005 6:49:34 am


I'm trying to set up my own admin interface specially for priority updates.

I've already builded my template based on the admin update priorities system. But looks like something is missing. :-)

I've tried with <b><form action={content/action|ezurl} ...></b> but that didnt changed anything. Then I tried with <b><form action="/ez_site_type/index.php/bo/content/action"></b> (hard coded) and it worked. (<b>bo</b> is the siteaccess for the admin interface)

So is there a template I need to include in my front office to make it work or something like that ?

Thanks !

Any ideas ?

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eZ Publish Freelance developper. Feel free to contact me +33 674 367 057
nabil at assiki d0t fr

laurent le cadet

Wednesday 22 August 2007 7:22:43 am


I'm facing actually the same problem and I'm at the starting point
As your post is quiet old, I'm sure you had time to digg it.
Could you please point me the right direction to achieve this?
