Forums / Suggestions / search eZ forum by author

search eZ forum by author

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Marko Žmak

Tuesday 08 November 2005 3:37:02 pm

The feature of searching this forum by selecting an author, or typing the authors name would be greatly appreciated.

I think there's a lot of people that would find it usefull.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

kracker (the)

Wednesday 09 November 2005 3:53:41 pm


And this has got to be like the 4th time this has been requested.


<i>RunDMC - Run's House</i>

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Nathan Kelly

Thursday 10 November 2005 12:28:59 am

Yeh I suggested it once also, it would really help when searching for posts you remember the author of but not the title. Or just trying to find your own posts.

Please eZ can we have this feature?


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Bruce Morrison

Thursday 10 November 2005 3:34:54 pm


Google can be handy ;) Try searching for: "Marko Zmak"

It's relies on the whim of goole indexing so it may not be as up to date as the site* but may help you find what you are looking for while waiting for this feature.


*this thread is in the index so google is not too far behind

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Marko Žmak

Thursday 17 November 2005 12:32:53 pm

Still, Is the eZ crew willing to implemnt such thing? I don't think it can be THAT hard.

Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!

Hubert Farnsworth

Piotrek Karaś

Monday 07 May 2007 9:15:57 pm

Old topic, but I guess nothing changed?

If not search for any author, it would be a great improvement to be able to find all posts the user participated in...

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kracker (the)

Monday 07 May 2007 10:05:28 pm

There is always another way ...

<i>Sole : mbf pt3 - myownworstenemy : the complaint/on my 36th year</i>

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Piotrek Karaś

Saturday 29 December 2007 10:39:23 am

I don't know, maybe it's too much to ask, but this forum becomes more and more a tool for me, and notification or google just don't do the trick (or at least not in a tool-like convenient manner)... A personalized search would be of SOOO much help! Actually, "my own" could be one thing, "my important/favourite" could be another one...

Definitely on my 2008 wishlist ;)

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Saturday 29 December 2007 10:59:49 am

This thread is not unique and it's not even the most verbose one on ...

Checkout the open search plugins we maintain (the list has grown quite a bit in 2007 ;)



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kracker (the)

Saturday 29 December 2007 11:15:16 am

Another possible solution not yet attempted ...

Implement the features desired and contribute the code. Then gather support from others to have your solution implemented on by eZ Crew ...

I think you could reach this goal but most give up first sadly before reaching the answer you pine for ... <i>their is always another way</i>

Another important factoid to remember to keep from reaching this point like all the others do eventually.

These are moderated forums and threads are regularly pruned, groomed and trimmed of details, posts etc ...

It is all short term sharing. This ensures all the eZ knowledge gathered by a forum stalker has a limited impact on the ecosystem in the longterm. They don't need any threat/other company with resources to upstage eZ (face it none would let alone could ..)

The forum is a valued tool for all to use but it's always going to be kept simple, basic, weak and a rationed resource ... check back in a year and compare 2001 - 2008 years of forum content / features through the timeline and then call me out as in the wrong for saying you don't understand.

That said it would always be cool if you wrote a solution within eZ to reach this goal. ;)


Chamillionaire : You must be crazy ....</i>

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Piotrek Karaś

Saturday 29 December 2007 11:19:43 am

Heath: This is great! Not sure if one of those will precisely match what I need, but they will definitely save hours! Thanks!

Kracker: I'm not sure if I got your point exactly, interesting remarks anyway. Still, I don't quite see how a little functionality enhancement like the one proposed above could affect things you described in any significant way. But, you're absolutely right, and I don't know why I haven't thought about it before - I'll try to contribute something like that when I can. And if that doesn't work, then I won't cry again ;)


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kracker (the)

Sunday 30 December 2007 3:53:21 am

"You're very well on your way, yes" ...


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