Forums / Translation / A new language or locale ? / Indonesian language

Indonesian language

Author Message

Benyamin Maengkom

Monday 15 March 2010 9:54:49 am


sorry, I'm new but want to translate for Indonesian language. What should I do ? download any translation.ts in repository ? and translate it ?

Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 16 March 2010 2:39:02 am

Hi Benyamin,

The Indonesian locale was added there : You may want to have a look at it.

Also, we'll need to add the Indonesian language there : I guess the language + country codes will be the same as the locale's, namely 'ind-ID'. Can you confirm this so that i can add it there and let you safely start the translation ?


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
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Benyamin Maengkom

Tuesday 16 March 2010 4:50:11 am

Hi Nicolas,

yes code is true, 'ind-ID'. Ok I wait the language translation file, and soon I send CLA.


Benyamin M.