Community Day at the eZ Winter Conference on January 27th, in Nice, France

Thursday 02 December 2010 8:59:32 am

By : Nicolas Pastorino

The Community Day is the type of live events long-awaited by the Community : an opportunity to get together for real, put faces on nicknames, go beyond the normally virtual exchanges in forums, tutorials, blogs, IRC, twitter. Read on a bit to see what is coming up in January.


Edit : the wrap-up, slides and pictures of the conference are available here.

[Submit a flash-talk] [Register] [Agenda] [Live streaming] [Convince your boss]


At a glance

It is also a good way to stay tuned with what happens in the eZ Community, and proposed ideas for the future on all fronts : eZ Publish Community Project, enhancements, ideas for other platforms used daily (, ). In short : an involvement booster, plus a fair load of fun and nice evenings.
On top of subjects revolving around the eZ Community itself, the day is filled-up with techy talks around the eZ Technology, or the web in general. Should you want to stay tuned with the people and the Technology, step by and say hi. Don't forget to register ( tick "Community Day - I will be attending" ) ! If at this point in the reading you already feel you will have hard times convincing your boss, read this cheat sheet.


Call for talks

You would like to share your experience through a talk ? Pretty easy : fill in the form below. New this year, you can come up with a flash talk (more info) on an extension, fill in the form too!



9:00 - 9:45

"The role of a community and how the eZ Community heart is beating"
by Nicolas Pastorino - Community Manager and eZ's VP Product Management

You should leave this session with the comforted feeling of how our Community matters, and what happened, happens and will happen at its very heart !

10:00 - 10:45

"REST API : how to turn eZ Publish into a multi-channel machine"
by eZ Engineering

This talk will unveil the latest features of eZ Publish's REST and PHP API, gearing you up on building mobile apps, delivering content to 3rd-party tools, and tap into about any channel.

11:00 - 11:45

"eZ Tags, taxonomy management in eZ Publish"
by Ivo Lukac, Co-owner and IT architect at Netgen, Zagreb, Croatia

After this talk you will have a thorough understanding of how you can easily build-in and manage taxonomies into your eZ Publish projects.
Ivo has 6 years of experience using eZPublish, eZFind, PHP and Varnish for complex web projects like e-commerce and large corporate sites, intranet solutions, government portals and similar.

12:00 - 13:30

Lunch break

13:30 - 14:15

"How to run a large-scale, complex multi-developer project with eZ Publsh"
by Cyril Fouillot, CEO at Internethic

This talk will leave you best practices on the technical environment, project processing, tools (Redmine piloted with IRC Chan bot, linked to SVN / GitHub systems & LDAP directory) to enhance development process, global team productivity, project follow up, as well as risk prevention.

14:30 - 15:15

"Flash talks on extensions"

You have 3 minutes to flash-present one of your extensions, or an extension you are fond of. No more than three, super-condensed speech, to make others feel like using it or contribute to your project !
The Barcamp, from 17:00 on, will leave us time to dig into details for those who want it !

Propose your own here !

On the list so far :

  • "Netgen Push", by Ivo Lukac
  • "Our first Mobile web experience, eZ Publish and JQuery", by Mirko Battisti
  • "eZ Asynchronous Publishing", by Bertrand Dunogier
  • "eZ Flow, becoming my best friend" by Gilles Guirand
  • "Yubikey support for eZ Publish" by Quoc Huy Nguyen Dinh
  • "An eZ Craftman's tool chest" by Gaetano Giunta
  • "A recommender plug-in for eZ Publish" by Michael Friedmann
15:30 - 17:00

"Interactive workshop : sharing views on the product's evolution"


17:00 and on

Barcamp !! (and a nice evening)



Spread the social word !

Tag your tweets with #ezconf !


A cheat sheet to convince your boss

...In case you need help, here it is :

Cheat Sheet : "How to convince your boss to let you attend the Community Day at the eZ Winter Conference 2011"


Register !

I know, i said that before. It happens here :, tick "Community Day - I will be attending".

More information about the Partner day happening the following day can be found here : Note that all partners have free access to this day, including Community Partners !

A ski week-end is following the Winter Conference, excellent occasion to get to know each other outside of a purely professional context. All information here.


Live streaming

As we did in Geneva and in Berlin, we will live-stream the event using Ustream. There is no reason why people not making it here could not wire-in. This allows for a lightweight participation from away, to far-far-away ! Asking questions to the speakers is even possible, so we will make this happen, just below here. Also, you may to follow us from your mobile phone : all details.

eZ Publish Community channel by Ustream

And here is the live chat, feel free to say hi or ask your questions here !

Streamed Winter Conference on your phone


All other downloads there :

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