Friday 30 April 2010 6:20:52 am
By : Nicolas Pastorino
As disclosed in the Geneva sessions, eZ is now using SCRUM as our development methodology. One of the benefits of this is a working product after every sprint - and we are going to share them with the community
By doing this, we hope to get feedback from you on the new features we have added, things we've changed and bugs that might have sneaked into the product.
The alpha releases will not have the same amount of testing and polish as the final product so you should not use this on a production site.
So, without further ceremony, I give you eZ Publish Fuji alpha 1. The big new items are:
We hope you will appreciate these early-bird previews. Should you want to get involved in sending feedback, or trying yourself on collborative development within the community, read more there :
Download eZ Publish Fuji (4.4) Alpha :