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All the developed or customized software is released with GPL compatible licenses. The personal experiences of the founders are several, from project management to the software development, from system administration to training, with a solid radication in the free software developers' community and cofounders of a LUG (Linux User Group).
The task of OpenContent is to set more store by the "human capital" inside the cultural environment where it is operating, offering consulting and training to the customers in order to perform better services and to motivate the employees, having in the meanwhile a particular attention to the reuse of implemented solutions.

OpenContent references (19)


InCo -

InCo is a non-profit organisation which has the objective to further the international exchange between youth, to increase and improve the level of contact among different cultures, stimulating intercultural sensibility and preventing and combating racism, prejudices and social exclusion. Among the activities of the association youth mobility projects have a very important role: through "Youth" young people are allowed to go to another country for a youth exchange, a volunteer experience or a vocational training project. The activities of the association are addressed only to young people.
InCo is both sending organisation for EVS volunteers and co-ordinating organisation for different host projects which host independent volunteers ( MTV and LTV).
Forum for the peace

Forum for the peace -

A portal that collects the regional and international events that promote human rights.

With this website the Autonomous Province of Trento, in coherence with the constitutional principles of the Italian contitution ( "I repudiate of the war as a form of resolution of the international controversies") wants to the promotion of the human rights, the freedoms democratics and of the international cooperation, recognizing in the peace a fundamental right of the men and the people.
Unimondo - Oneworld

Unimondo - Oneworld -

The site now receives over five million page views per month (est. over 40 million hits), and highlights news, opinion and campaigns from over 1,500 text partners (many of them large networks in their own right). In addition it works with over 2,000 video contributors and some 800 radio station members, all sharing their multi-media materials free, supported by OneWorld's software platforms and looked after by teams from 10 OneWorld centres.

OneWorld is the world's favourite and fastest-growing civil society network online, supporting people’s media to help build a more just global society.

The network is governed by the OneWorld International Foundation, whose international Board of Trustees includes a representative nominated by each centre.

The new website will be based on eZ publish 4.0
IAI, International Alliance of Inhabitants

IAI, International Alliance of Inhabitants -

Multilanguage (English, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian) and hight interactive portal that collects the initiatives of inhabitants’ associations and social movements, communities, tenants, private house owners, homeless, people living in favelas and settlements, cooperatives, indigenous peoples and working class neighbourhoods of different world regions.
The new portal will be launched in January 2008 (preview at: ).
Laboratorio Paese

Laboratorio Paese -

A participative platform that integrates web2.0, social web and GIS technologies, in which citizen, local organizations, public administrations and economical activities of Paese (Treviso - Italy) will discuss about the future of the large “Ex-Simmel” area, involved into an intensive urbanization's process.
The Faculty of Sociology of the University of Padua and the Communal Administration of Paese have started a plan of research and monitoring about the realization of a residential and commercial center in Castagnole di Paese, with the objective to favor the integration between the future development of town and the existing buildings and activities. The study must include the needs of the residentials and their needs, the point of view of the civil community and the impact that a project of big dimensions will have in the field.
Laboratory of Public Politics

Laboratory of Public Politics -

The Laboratory of Public Politics, in the context of an Equal project oriented to monitoring the activity and the impact of the RES in Italy (Fair Economy's Networks), created a digital and accessible environment to monitor the acquaintances and abilities of the "Entertainers of nets".
Vita Trentina

Vita Trentina -

Vita Trentina represent the best OpenContent's case study of eZ publish's application; this weekly magazine uses eZ publish to manage the whole process of production of their paper magazine, through this steps:
- single article's composition (using OpenOffice, including images, authors, licenses and keywords)
- upload of the articles in eZ
- monitoring of the completition magazine's status, through a preview from the back-end
- publication of the contents in their definitive form (on-line editon of the magazine)
- downloading of the contents in the preferred format (PDF or Quark Xpress format)

The IDA Open Source Migration Guidelines have been followed for the migration to the open source solutions that have been used or implemented.

Vita Trentina is the main weekly magazine of the region Trentino - Alto Adige. It publishes 52 numbers to the year, with an average of 40-44 pages. The editorial staff (65 people, including professional journalists and external collaborators) produces more then 9.000 articles per year. The weekly magazine moreover works in synergy with the journalistic staff of Studio Sette Radio, producing wireless services. Vita Trentina is an active member of the Fisc - Italian Federation catholic weeklies magazine, a network of 150 weeklies magazines.
EduOnto: cooperating and collaborating on line through web ontologies

EduOnto: cooperating and collaborating on line through web ontologies -

Through EduOnto, a platform that integrates eZ publish and Semantic MediaWiki, a network of 6 Italian Universities intends to focus on the role of ontological knowledge representation, in particular to investigate the perspective of Education and analize applications and theoretical foundations of ontological devices in e-learning and in Web Based Educational Systems.
The ontologies created would be useful not only to the academic community but as fas as its didactic and real-world use is concerned, to students, teachers, and people interested in real world applications and training contexts.
The project takes in account the state of the art of educational research in Italy and in other European countries, such as France, Spain, Germany and England. The ontologies are "negotiated"; there are working exchanges and diological moments to develop a circularity of information flow within the virtual community of experts involved.
The Universities involved are:
* Università di Padova
* Università di Lecce
* Università Cattolica di Milano
* Università Milano Bicocca
* Università di Salerno
* Università di Ferrara - CARID
Stories of Possible Worlds

Stories of Possible Worlds -

POWOS is a multilingual portal in 5 languages, in which the UPMS (Popular University of Social Movements) and Upter (Popular University of Rome) invite all those who work for social change in the field of human rights and democracy to recount their experiences, “in order to identify and enhance the new social processes and act as a sounding board.”

True stories which speak of the campaigns and struggles in the various spheres to which different movements and groups of citizens are devoting their time: employment, fair trade, housing, minorities, inter-culture, religious dialogue, political dialogue, the environment, health, education, justice, peace, public services, participation ... Struggles sharing in the struggle for the affirmation of human rights and democracy, according to principles of the World Social Forum.

Associazione Città Aperta

Associazione Città Aperta -

Città Aperta is a multicultural association that means to operate for the full acknowledgment of the rights of immigrates' citizenship, promoting the construction of relationships of pacific cohabitation and mutual respect. It tries to awake the Italian public opinion, in order to facilitate the acquaintance, the understanding, the communication and the relations between all the citizens.
Observatory on the Caucasus

Observatory on the Caucasus -

Observatory on the Caucasus is a website which aim is analysing and monitoring the most recent developments in the caucasican region and at same time to supply an informative service of easy access to the scientific community, the institutions and the interested persons.
The project is sponsored by the Council Department for International Solidarity of the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Observatory on the Balkans

Observatory on the Balkans -

Through its 4 languages website (English, Croatian, Serbian with cyrillic character set and Italian), Observatory on the Balkans combines information, research and support for international cooperation. It uses the potentials of various media and through the open source model encourages wider distribution of its information.
International aid workers, researchers, journalists, students, local, regional and national authority's officials, southeast Europe's citizens and tourists use the Observatory services and participate as dialogue partners.
The Observatory on the Balkans is a project promoted by the Peace Bell Foundation, in collaboration with the Forum Trentino for Peace and Human Rights.
It is sponsored by the Council Department for International Solidarity of the Autonomous Province of Trento and by the Municipality of Rovereto.

Re.Te. -

The database Re.Te. (Territorial Relations) highlights all forms of interactions linking the Italian Regions to their South-East European counterparts. Finally, meetings, seminars and conferences targeting public servants and decision makers both at local and national level, complement the activities of the project by deepening the debate about opportunities, strengths and critical aspects of the Italian decentralised cooperation in the Balkans. They represent an attempt at improving and spreading best practices, bearing in mind that decentralised cooperation can take very different forms and move along various lines of action.

BalcaniCooperazione -

The general objective of the project BalcaniCooperazione is to monitor, support and give more visibility to Italian Regions and other local authorities in their initiatives of decentralised cooperation with the Balkan area (i.e. Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro).

The central tool for the activities is the web portal, designed and implemented through a participatory approach involving regional and local authorities that decided to be partners of the project. The portal also reflects a territorial approach that emphasizes the role of various actors involved in decentralised cooperation: institutional and non-institutional; profit and non-profit; private as well as public ones. Furthermore, for each Italian Region and other interested local governments (e.g. Provinces and Municipalities) a specific page has been created and collects data, news and other materials that specifically describe their activities in South-East Europe.

At present, partners of BalcaniCooperazione are:

* Provincia Autonoma di Trento
* Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia
* Regione Veneto
* Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige
* Regione Toscana
* Regione Lombardia
* Regione Emilia-Romagna
* Regione Piemonte
* Regione Puglia
Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione

Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione -

The official web portal of the Organisation grouping the cooperatives of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Osservatorio sui Balcani

Osservatorio sui Balcani -

The "Osservatorio sui Balcani" portal by promoting trans-national networks and dialogue, the Observatory supports associations, NGOs and local institutions active in grassroots diplomacy and cooperation projects in South Eastern Europe.
International Alliance of Habitants

International Alliance of Habitants -

The official web site of the International Alliance of Habitants against the permanent violations of the right to an adequate house and to a liveable city.
Trentino Cooperazione

Trentino Cooperazione -

The offficial website of the the International cooperation department of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy)
Forum Trentino per la pace

Forum Trentino per la pace -

The "Forum trentino per la pace" is an Institution of the Autonomous Province of Trento of which are members all the associations in Trentino involved in peace promotion. Thanks to it the Autonomous Province promotes and coordinates activities connnected to the defence of human rights, international cooperation, peace development.


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