WebStyle Systems Sp. z o.o.

WebStyle Systems Sp. z o.o.

ul. Wierzbowa 15/93

50-056 Wroclaw


Phone: +48 71 344 32 72

  • Community Partner

WebStyle Systems Sp. z o.o., Poland

WebStyle Systems is a full-service interactive agency based in Wroclaw, Poland. We define, develop, design and implement leading-edge, effective web business solutions based on Open Source technologies. We are able to rapidly, cost-effectively, and reliably create complete any web-based system.
Fact sheet

Founded: 2000

Office: Wroclaw (Poland)
Services offering

eZ publish developing, e-marketing, consulting, IT integration, hosting
Solutions offering

Open Source technologies, Content Management Systems, corporate portals, B2C/B2B solutions, intranets, eCRM solutions, custom solutions
Key customers

eZ systems as, WSiP SA, PWN SA, Work Service SA, Amnesty International Poland, Lufthansa
Technology Partners

eZ systems as, Home.pl, Gemius SA

Since 2000, WebStyle Systems developed web sites for a wide range of customers across Poland and worldwide (see our portfolio).
Real business value

We create real business value for our clients - our works offer more efficient ways to do business in the new economy. With our strong competencies in business strategy, marketing, branding, technology and design we deliver world-class solutions to any communications challenge.

Helping our customers to achieve their goals is the key to our long term success. We aim to listen to what customers tell us, respond professionally to questions praise and complaints and to build trust, respect and mutual understanding.
Advanced products and services

We offer products and services adjusted to the needs of our clients:

- advanced web sites
- corporate portals
- Content Management Systems (CMS)
- e-commerce solutions
- e-marketing solutions
- IT consulting
- hosting

In our undertakings we make effort to link experience with new technologies, knowledge with creativity, integral IT solutions with new marketing techniques. We help in opening new channels of sales, lowering the operating costs for businesses and facilitating the cooperation with business partners.
Open Source technologies

Our first care is to meet the requirements of our Clients and guarantee their advantage over competitors. Our solutions are based on Open Source technologies exclusively, which allows our Clients to participate in benefits the idea of Free Software brings along.

WebStyle Systems Sp. z o.o. references (40)

eZ publish PL

eZ publish PL - http://www.eZ-publish.PL

A website for Polish users of eZ publish - businessmen, IT managers and developers. The idea is to develop a large local community, sharing information and present advantages to potential users.
Work Service

Work Service - http://www.workservice.pl

Work Service was established in response to the growing demand of the business-to-business industry for human resource management.
The company is the market leader of staff leasing. They provide constant services to over 500 business organizations. Each year they employ on temporary basis tens of thousands of people.

Work Service provides temporary staffing based on innovative human resource outsourcing strategies. Their solutions represent HR management techniques that significantly stimulate the European labour markets.

Work Service meets the standards of System Quality Management and since 2002 it has been ISO 9001:2000 certified with regard to HR outsourcing and HR consulting, including design of new services.

New corporate portal powered by eZ publish was prepared for officies in the UK, Poland, Germany, Czech and Russia. The platform consists of 6 websites full of eZ's built-in funcionality and extentions (e.g. newsletter, calculators etc.). In near future eZ publish will be integrated with internal CRM system of Work Service.
Amnesty International Poland

Amnesty International Poland - www.amnesty.org.pl

Large, informative portal for the Polish branch of the well known worldwide organization. Implementation of eZ publish has included: division into public and internal section, authorization system for editors (each editor is responsible for a given site section), newsletter (enabling registration and choice of preferences by users), contact forms (you can return your membership declaration and petition online), redesign (graphical project and templates based on Amnesty head office website).

Developed by WebStyle Systems.
Kardynał Bolesław Kominek

Kardynał Bolesław Kominek - http://kardynalkominek.pl/

Kardynał Bolesław Kominek (1903-1974) is one of the most influential individual in Catholic church in Poland. The website is connected with new publication issued by Ośrodek Pamięć i przyszłość form Wrocław, Poland.

Tektum - http://tektum.com.pl/

Tektum specialises in building wooden houses. Envirement friendly technology and experience comes from Norway and Sweden.

Platen.pl - http://platen.pl

WebStyle Systems http://www.ws-webstyle.com developed business community portal for energy sector. Platen.pl is dedicated to energy concerns, contractors, subcontractors and professionals in Poland. It is also attractive source of information in the range of tenders, key orders and job offers for specialists.
Platen.pl consists of common for Web 2.0 functionalities like: user and companies profiles and forums.

Wizaz.pl - http://wizaz.pl

WebStyle Systems http://www.ws-webstyle.com implemented one of the biggest eZ Publish portal worldwide. Wizaz.pl uses 10-servers cluster to support 2 500 000 registered users and 35 000 000 pageviews per month. It is a community portal dedicated to fashion and beauty with the greatest cosmetics database.
WebStyle Systems integrates portal with third party applications, like v-biulletin, shopping precinct etc.

Familka.pl - http://familka.pl

Familka.pl is a new community portal for young families created by WebStyle Systems http://www.ws-webstyle.com.
Website enables to create user profiles, invite friends and relatives, create family galleries and dairies.

Mobileworkforce.eu - http://www.mobileworkforce.eu

The Mobile Workforce WEB SERVER CONCEPT was started back in 2001 with company headquarter in Århus, Denmark and Development Centre in Warsaw , Poland. In 2005 Mobile Workforce became a part of the group Dansk Autohjælp www.dah.dk and focus was from then on the WEB Based Server Solution. Mobile Workforce is a rapidly expanding company and is already represented in:
Denmark, Poland, Ireland, Turkey , The American continent , And South Africa. And in other countries such as Norway, Faroe Island, Sweden through international providers.
Developed by http://www.webstyle.pl
Rabbit Systemy Sterowania Oświetleniem Ulicznym Sp. z o.o.

Rabbit Systemy Sterowania Oświetleniem Ulicznym Sp. z o.o. - http://rabbit.pl/

WebStyle Systems http://www.ws-webstyle.com developed new multilingual website for one of the biggest Polish producers of systems for control and supervision of street lighting – Rabbit.pl
Rabbit's website contains new modern design and video tools.
Mobile Workforce Polska

Mobile Workforce Polska - http://mobileworkforce.pl

Mobile Workforce has developed the satellite Inmarsat C –PC software solution for the international company Thrane&Thane. Mobile Workforce has also developed Cell Phone GSM tracking and communication system.
Mobile Workforce Europe

Mobile Workforce Europe - http://mobileworkforce.eu

European portal itegrates all national offices websites using corporate identity and separates content.
Mobile Workforce has developed the satellite Inmarsat C –PC software solution for the international company Thrane&Thane. Mobile Workforce has also developed Cell Phone GSM tracking and communication system in close co-operation with the Danish Mobile operator – Sonofon and the Danish MAP provider, KRAK A/S.
Work Service Intranet

Work Service Intranet - http://intranet.workservice.pl

Work Service goes public. The company is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
LionStage Management

LionStage Management - http://lionstage.com

LionStage Management is rapidly growing group of music events organizers in Poland and the UK. They promote artists from all over the world with a focus on alternative, reggea, club and world music.
Ośrodek "Pamięć i Przyszłość"

Ośrodek "Pamięć i Przyszłość" - http://www.pamieciprzyszlosc.pl

Ośrodek „Pamięć i Przyszłość” was founded by Minister of Culture Kazimierz Ujazdowski. The main goal is to archive historical events and the promote Lower Silesia as a culturally and historically-rich region.

Phoenix Press

Phoenix Press - http://www.phoenix.pl/

Phoenix Press is the first publisher and for years leader in the real life stories magazines segment, for years leading Publisher of big-size crossword margazines in Poland. The company cooperates with biggest world and Polish publishing houses in the field of licensed magazines (Bauer Polska, Dreamworks, EM Entertainment GmbH). Publishes approx. 60 magazines yearly.

Mobile Workforce Denmark

Mobile Workforce Denmark - http://mobileworkforce.dk/

Mobile Workforce has developed the satellite Inmarsat C –PC software solution for the international company Thrane&Thane. Mobile Workforce has also developed Cell Phone GSM tracking and communication system in close co-operation with the Danish Mobile operator – Sonofon and the Danish MAP provider, KRAK A/S.

Spayt - http://www.spayt.com

Spayt is a community website with video and geolocation as a base for social entertainment. Beta version uses eZ Publish for content management, and custom funcionality, like: social networking, private messaging, and other commonly used web 2.0 features.
Risknowlogy - Global e-Commerce Solution

Risknowlogy - Global e-Commerce Solution - http://www.risknowlogy.com/products

Risknowlogy is an expert in risk, reliability, and safety. It brings together a unique set of skills on a per project needs basis, which once applied, enable our customers to gain a competitive edge.
e-Commerce activity is a new part of Risknowlogy.com. It was prepared as a platform for partners worldwide, products are delivered by the companies from all over the world. Buyers can choose currency, and have full information about costs and VAT.
Work Service Czech Republic

Work Service Czech Republic - http://www.workservice.cz

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
Work Service Romania

Work Service Romania - http://www.workservice.ro

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
Portal "Polska XXI"

Portal "Polska XXI" - http://www.polskaxxi.pl

Polska XXI is an independent portal where people can participate in a debate concerning the quality of public life. The founders, well known figures of Polish politics: Kazimierz Ujazdowski, Jan Rokita and Rafal Dutkiewicz, attracted many interested users. 50.000 unique users, and a few thousand accounts registered in two days after the launch made "Polska XXI" one of the most frequently visited eZ Publish website in Poland.
Czas na Lepszą Pracę

Czas na Lepszą Pracę - http://praca.workservice.pl

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
New corporate website starts up a new marketing strategy.
Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Elektroenergetycznych Wrocław SA

Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Elektroenergetycznych Wrocław SA - http://www.pue.com.pl

Przedsiębiorstwo Usług Elektroenergetycznych Wrocław SA provides turnkey supply of electric power systems in all ranges of voltages for the existing and newly built power stations, heat&power plants, transmission and distribution stations for power sector and other industries.
Work Service S.A. - site for investors

Work Service S.A. - site for investors - http://www.workservice.com/

Work Service goes public. The company is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
Nafas Art Magazine

Nafas Art Magazine - http://universes-in-universe.org/eng/islamic_world/

Online magazine. Articles richly accompanied with photos, dedicated to contemporary art with essential sources or references in the Islamic world. Published in English, German, and Arabic. Publishers: Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations (ifa), Germany, in cooperation with Universes in Universe - Worlds of Art.
Work Service UK

Work Service UK - http://www.workservice.co.uk/

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. Work Service provides best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
Work Service Slovakia

Work Service Slovakia - http://www.workservice.eu.sk/

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
New corporate website starts up a new marketing strategy.

Polkadot.pl - http://polkadot.pl

Polakdot.pl is an exciting new information portal for the large population of young Polish women living in the UK, and those who are planning a visit. The site provides information on planning your journey, finding work, where to live and how to get around. But life isn't just about work and the site provides inspirational ideas on how to make the most of a visit to the UK. The site is packed with information on where to go, what to see and most importantly, where to shop! A forum provides users with a place to share their experiences.
Work Service Germany

Work Service Germany - http://www.workservice.de

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
Decora S.A. Intranet

Decora S.A. Intranet - http://www.decora.pl

Decora S.A. is a leading home producer of finishing articles and internal decorating in Poland. Company products are designed for: finishing and decorating ceilings and walls, pelmets, ceiling plates, rosettes, etc.

For the internal company comunication Decora S.A. uses eZ Publish with ezwebin interface customized to the specific requiremants. The service is available only around a company VPN network.

XXL-Jagen - http://www.xxl-jagen.de

xxl-jagen.de is a special interest and community site for hunters. The site provides specific information, communication and entertainment services targeted to this community: eblogs (Blog), discussion forums, fishing waters, fishing spots, record of catches, fishing journals, travel reports, offers, yellow pages, videos, product reviews, etc.

The site allows users to mark contributions in Google Maps and to navigate using this feature as well as to rank and comment any entry. This allows xxl-jagen.de to maintain high-quality content.

The website will further provide a revenue sharing model using Google AdSense where users can decide to receive the earnings or to automatically donate them to a listed non-profit organization.

XXL-Fliegenfischen - http://xxl-fliegenfischen.de

xxl-fliegenfischen.de is a special interest and community site for fly-fisher. The site provides specific information, communication and entertainment services targeted to this community: weblogs (Blog), discussion forums, fishing waters, fishing spots, record of catches, fishing journals, travel reports, offers, yellow pages, videos, fly-tying tips, etc.

The site allows users to mark contributions in Google Maps and to navigate using this feature as well as to rank and comment any entry. This allows xxl-fliegenfischen.de to maintain high-quality content.

The website will further provide a revenue sharing model using Google AdSense where users can decide to receive the earnings or to automatically donate them to a listed non-profit organization.
Work Service

Work Service - http://www.workservice.com.ua/

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.

XXL-angeln.de - http://www.xxl-angeln.de/

xxl-angeln.de is a special interest and community site for sports-fishermen. The site provides specific information, communication and entertainment services targeted to this community: weblogs (Blog), discussion forums, fishing waters, fishing spots, record of catches, fishing journals, travel reports, offers, yellow pages, videos, etc.
The site allows users to mark contributions in Google Maps and to navigate using this feature as well as to rank and comment any entry. The system aggregates user contributions and determines top fishermen in a fishing league and top users based on the number and rating of their contributions. The website will further provide a revenue sharing model using Google AdSense where users can decide to receive the earnings or to automatically donate them to a listed non-profit organization.
Work Service S.A.

Work Service S.A. - http://www.workservice.pl

Work Service is one of the largest Recruitment and Temporary Employment companies of this sort in Central and Eastern Europe providing employment for thousands of people. They provide best personnel solutions in a vast number of HR related services for over 500 customers from all across Europe - some of which are chains of the largest shopping centers, industrial enterprises with production lines, logistic and service companies.
New corporate website starts up a new marketing strategy.

SPAFOOD - http://www.spafood.eu

SPAFOOD specialises in the production of ready-to-eat meals. Their flagship products are fresh and frozen shish kebabs - the initial range of meals containing only meet has been expanded to include fruit and vegetable varieties.
Corporate portal is available in Polish, English and German. It consists of public area and Extranet for registered Partners.
Police headquarters, provice: Lubuskie (Poland)

Police headquarters, provice: Lubuskie (Poland) - http://www.lubuska.policja.gov.pl/

Information Portal of Police from Lubuskie (Poland) removed less efficient static solution.
eZ Publish as a platform for wide range of funcionalities, makes it possible to manage information more dynamic. The public website delivers news, comments and emergency news to the province community. The part of the website is an intranet.
Full solution was delivered by WebStyle Systems http://www.ws-webstyle.com
leading eZ Partner from Poland.

SYGMA BUSINESS CONSULTING - http://www.sygma.pl

Sygma has two main purposes: Reliable & Effective Performance. They deal with business advisory service, tax and lawful advisory services. As they say:
"Our mission is collaboration with enterprises based on partnership tending to balanced growth of their value"
Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne

Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne - http://www.waip.com.pl

Publishing house dedicated to professionals brings out academical books (comes from WSiP SA - the biggest education publishing house in Poland). Website cosists of current information, newsletter, catalogue and webshop.


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