Sonnenstrasse 4
CH-8280 Kreuzlingen
kk @
Phone: +41 (0)71 / 508 24 84
Your eZ Publish partner in Switzerland
YMC is focused on corporate multi-site CMS and Web 2.0 / Social Media Solutions. Based on eZ Publish, YMC offers an integrated software suite named Volano ®. Volano extends eZ Publish by (examples)
* Workflow mechanisms to manage complex publishing processes
* Automated Publication / depublication
* Integration of Linux Virtual Server and DRBD to make a eZ publish cluster-ready and add high availability
* Rich User Interfaces using JavaScript frameworks such as prototype / and the Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI).
Volano is continously maintained and extended by YMC. No matter if the productive installation is run on the YMC cluster as SaaS or on own servers, every YMC client is continously served with updates, upgrades and new functionality, either adapted from an open source project, or developed by YMC.
Why use Volano?
Volano encompasses best practices, business expertise and a contributing community. Open source re-focuses our funds and management effort on product development, engineering and quality. The result is a better designed solution at lower costs compared to what closed source companies can provide.
Volano is completely customizable in every aspect possible and offers multiple deployment options based on your company needs, each of them reasonably priced. The technologically superior infrastructure of eZ publish provides a perfect basis for your company's investment into a web based infrastructure.
Customer Services
Volano goes beyond the hardware and software. It offers a committed solution provider who guarantees reliable and effective services. The implementation services deliver a variety of customizable Volano support options like ongoing maintenance, application customizations and data migration to deploy Volano more quickly and with less risk.
Further information at