Monday 04 October 2004 11:24:43 am
Hi guys, Before I start my rant of things I would like so see changed, I would like to say: "Great work!". The new admin interface will make eZP a much more attractive product to all our clients. Now, onto the constructive critisism, in no particular order. First of all, I agree with everything Paul said regarding the design, meaning that I find it a little too dark and "heavy" (though a great improvement to the old admin interface - color not considered). I would first and foremost like to see white replace grey as the main background color and lighter shade of blue (more similar to the exisiting admin interface colors). Furthermore I agree with everyting Alex said (and I do mean _everything_) except perhaps for one point regarding the placement of the drop down controls for creating new objects. I have argued earlier that this should be at the bottom of the list because what it does is append items to a list, and people are used to adding list items to the bottom. That being said, now that I see it there, I'm not so sure. It would be great to hear other opinions about this. Then, onto my own thoughts. On of the usability issues I've mentioned since I first got into using eZP is the lack of labels and help texts in the admin interface to better explain what the different functions do, and I'm sad to see that this hasn't improved one bit. As of now, one has to "click to learn" several functions. The functions that I feel would benefit most from some labels are: The drop down list to create new objects - It should have som text preceeding it explaining that you are about to "Create a new item of the type:". "Small/Medium/Large" links in the left column - It's not evident what these do, especially not in the demo where clicking them doesn't seem to make any difference.
In general I think it should be possible to tie eZP closer together with the documentation, linking to the relevant sections in the documentation in each module view.
I noticed that you're using the label "items" for objects and "types" for classes. Is this a change that you will follow through on? I'm happy to see that sorting has been taken out of the object edit view and into relation with the list which is much more inuitive. Regarding the "View controls": It does not make sense that they are grey when a section is not viewed. Normally, buttons are greyed out when they can not be clicked. Furthermore, I think "Details" would be a much better description for the button currently labeled "Information". Also, when I toogle these views on and off, the left column grows bigger in width. Is this the IE 6.0 bug you're referring to? The "Trash" menu item in the left menu should have a trash can icon associated with it. It looks amateurish that the icons have a different background color than the background they're placed upon. This applies to the icons used in headings of the node preview sections, as well as the icons in the "Setup" section. I'm happy to finally see the design related functions under one tab, though dissapointed to see that no effort has been made to improve the UI of editing templates (except for switching places for the "all templates" and "most popular" templates list ). Oh well, I guess some things have to be left for v. 3.6. :) I see that the "Edit" column label has been dropped in the list of children nodes. This seems like a design decision in order for the column to be narrower, but I don't think it's a good one as it's hard to make out that the Edit buttons display a pencil (and then, in turn, understand that this means "Edit"). When clicking an item in the left column menu that includes children, I think the sub tree structure should expand to display the child elements in addition to displaying the element in full view, as this is how MS Explorer behaves (at least the XP version). It's not until I click the icons in the left menu that I discover the pop up menu. And that's just because I was looking for it. Why not mention that it exists using a label? And finally; what's with the move to Arial? It's good enough for your logo, but not the body text of your application? :) Thanks for listening!
Eirik Alfstad Johansen