About Agenda 2 Contribution

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André R.

Thursday 16 March 2006 4:37:00 pm

Confirmed, but i'm not sure why events with last day in a month from time is'nt fetched.
Or maybe it is, i'll have to debuge a bit..

What ez version do you have ??
mine is now "3.7.5" aka 3.7.4 final from svn on packing day..

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@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Brian Gambill

Friday 17 March 2006 7:45:09 am

I am running 3.6.4. I did some testing this morning and see that the event isn't returned in the fetch. I created an event that doesn't span across months but was only on March 31st (1700-2000). This new event also does not show up.

André R.

Friday 17 March 2006 8:30:08 am

I did the same findings yesterday.
And checked to be sure that $days actually where 31 on this line:

	$last_ts=makedate($temp_month, $days, $temp_year)

And while writing this I realize that this is the error in its self
$last_ts now equals 31.03.2005 00:00, witch equals 30.03.2005 24:00.
So like this after $loop_count = 0, will fix it:

{if ne($temp_month, 12)}
    {set $last_ts=makedate($temp_month|sum( 1 ), 1, $temp_year)}
    {set $last_ts=makedate(1, 1, $temp_year|sum(1))}
{ def

eZ Online Editor 5: http://projects.ez.no/ezoe || eZJSCore (Ajax): http://projects.ez.no/ezjscore || eZ Publish EE http://ez.no/eZPublish/eZ-Publish-Enterprise-Subscription
@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Brian Gambill

Friday 17 March 2006 9:01:27 am

This works, thank you. I was messing with how to change this but hadn't fallen on the right solution.
I imagine that a new version would be in order for others to capture this fix.

André R.

Friday 17 March 2006 9:07:00 am

version 2.2.2 where out within 10min :)

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@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 17 March 2006 12:32:42 pm

Salut andré,

Could you add a package containing the event class you describe on your readme ?

Would be easier than trying to recreate it by hand.

Thanks in advance,



André R.

Friday 17 March 2006 5:34:32 pm

I could, but there are a number of reasons why I didn't.
*my event class is called aktivitet and all the other properties is also in Norwegian
*it is meant to be educational as well, for the newcomers. I know I would love it if there where more example code when I started with ez
*I have never made packages before

But I'll have to convert my templates to English someday anyway (So I don't have to manage 2 versions of the same templates), so I'll going to add this sometime..

In the mean time, is there something that could be better / clearer in the readme?

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@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Xavier Dutoit

Saturday 18 March 2006 7:54:27 am

*my event class is called aktivitet and all the other properties is also in Norwegian
Fair enough. However, your templates are in english, aren't they ?

*it is meant to be educational as well, for the newcomers. I know I would love it if there where more example code when I started with ez

And that's a good start indeed. I've learnt quite a few things by looking at others' templates.

*I have never made packages before

That's really simple. Have a look, it takes about 2 minutes to create a package that contains the class definition. You can also create a template with some content examples, and it would allow to directly install the override templates without having to change the override.ini.append by hand (this usualy doesn't work if you use different languages).

Anyway, thanks for sharing!



mike bonning

Saturday 01 April 2006 11:27:16 am


I just recently installed the Agenda 2 calendar on my site (abeaconinclay.org). The calendar shows up in the Events folder, but when I post an event it does not link to the calendar. The event does however show up in the right toolbar. I have an event called "Workday" as an example. Does anyone have some ideas on what I did wrong? Thanks.


André R.

Wednesday 05 April 2006 7:35:14 am

I see you got it right eventually?
The templates are made so that you have to post the events in the same folder as you have the override (event folder).

It could be modified to include all published events, but personally I never needed that.

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Patrice Fortin

Wednesday 08 November 2006 1:17:13 pm

Hi André,

I've used your agenda2 contribution to create an extension I've called ptagenda.

I changed the templates a bit (and fixed small bugs), but basically it is your agenda into an extension, with images in the listing of events, effects on the mini-calendar, translation ready. It includes icons from kde for 2 classes: agenda and event. So it doesn't use a folder to keep events, but a class agenda. There is a package included to create these 2 classes.

Thanks for your code.

People can have it here


André R.

Thursday 09 November 2006 1:32:01 am

Great, I've actually made the same thing internally back in september, but havn't published it yet because I wanted to do some more changes first..

eZ Online Editor 5: http://projects.ez.no/ezoe || eZJSCore (Ajax): http://projects.ez.no/ezjscore || eZ Publish EE http://ez.no/eZPublish/eZ-Publish-Enterprise-Subscription
@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

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