{cache-block subtree_expiry =/PARENT} does not work.

Author Message

Jacks JNK

Monday 17 November 2008 2:48:51 am

Indeed, I want to change each node of a parent's "articles" that the cache is emptied

{cache-block  subtree_expiry='/PARENT'}

{def  $articles=fetch( content, list,hash(parent_node_id,239,limit,5,
									 			 						 'sort_by',array('published',true())) )}

	{foreach $articles as $article}
				<div class="menu1">
			<a href={$article.url_alias|ezurl}>{$article.name}</a>
	{undef $articles}	
{/cache-block }

Skype : jacks_ngala

André R.

Monday 17 November 2008 7:15:07 am

Use the node id instead, less prone for errors.
{cache-block subtree_expiry=239}

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@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Jacks JNK

Tuesday 18 November 2008 12:40:51 am

it does not work !

Skype : jacks_ngala

Piotrek Karaś

Tuesday 18 November 2008 8:23:39 pm

I've never seen/heard of this /PARENT option. Has it ever worked?
If so, how does it work for non-node templates?

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o., http://www.mediaself.pl
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Jacks JNK

Thursday 20 November 2008 2:06:06 am

no, it's just an illustration

Skype : jacks_ngala

André R.

Thursday 20 November 2008 5:53:19 am

what version are you on?
There is a bug in 4.0(and 3.10) that was fixed in 4.0.1 in regards to this.

@Piotrek: Do you remember witch issue? I remember you and kc identified it and made some test cases.

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@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Jacks JNK

Thursday 20 November 2008 6:14:58 am

I have version 4.0.1 I think this bug persists until now !!!!

Skype : jacks_ngala

Piotrek Karaś

Thursday 20 November 2008 6:29:44 am

So far we haven't seen any weird behavior from cache-blocks in 4.0.1 (or since 4.0.0 patch).

Meanwhile, I only joined this thread because I thought there was a cache-block feature that I hadn't known about. But that's not the case. So before we rush into solving the problem, could we please have problem explained once again? Because I sincerely have no idea what Jacks' problem is and what he/she is trying to accomplish. Especially, I don't understand that parent reference...

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o., http://www.mediaself.pl
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Jacks JNK

Thursday 20 November 2008 6:42:24 am

The parent is just the name of the attribute (node) containing my articles on what I am used cache. example:
You have an object "ARTICLES" and children "Article 1, Article 2 ,...) published in" ARTICLES ". So it has nothing with the internal workings of eZ

Skype : jacks_ngala

Piotrek Karaś

Thursday 20 November 2008 6:48:44 am

Well, that part is clear. Now what are you trying to achieve and how is cache related?

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o., http://www.mediaself.pl
eZ references: http://ez.no/partners/worldwide_partners/mediaself
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Jacks JNK

Thursday 20 November 2008 6:56:53 am

I want enabled the cache-block which will expire when an object is published or modified in the parent node.

Skype : jacks_ngala

Piotrek Karaś

Thursday 20 November 2008 7:14:43 am

Still, to few details. For example - if you're trying to put those cache-blocks inside node templates - have you disabled viewcache?

Anyways, here you'll find my tests: http://issues.ez.no/12175

And here's a newer version:

{def $subtree_expiry_node_id=61}
{def $expiry_seconds=60}
<tr><th colspan="2">Current time: {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )}, Expiry={$expiry_seconds}, Subree expiry={$subtree_expiry_node_id}</th></tr>
<tr><th>STANDARD</th><th>WITH KEYS</th></tr>
    {cache-block expiry=0}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}cache-block expiry=0{rdelim}
    {cache-block expiry=0 keys=array( $uri_string )}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}cache-block expiry=0 keys=array( $uri_string ){rdelim}
    {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=0}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}ignore_content_expiry expiry=0{rdelim}
    {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=0 keys=array( $uri_string )}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}ignore_content_expiry expiry=0 keys=array( $uri_string ){rdelim}
    {cache-block expiry=$expiry_seconds}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}expiry={$expiry_seconds}{rdelim}
    {cache-block expiry=$expiry_seconds keys=array( $uri_string )}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}expiry={$expiry_seconds} keys=array( $uri_string ){rdelim}
    {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=$expiry_seconds}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}ignore_content_expiry expiry={$expiry_seconds}{rdelim}
    {cache-block ignore_content_expiry expiry=$expiry_seconds keys=array( $uri_string )}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}ignore_content_expiry expiry={$expiry_seconds} keys=array( $uri_string ){rdelim}
    {cache-block subtree_expiry=$subtree_expiry_node_id}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}subtree_expiry={$subtree_expiry_node_id}{rdelim}
    {cache-block subtree_expiry=$subtree_expiry_node_id keys=array( $uri_string )}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}subtree_expiry={$subtree_expiry_node_id} keys=array( $uri_string ){rdelim}
    {cache-block subtree_expiry=$subtree_expiry_node_id expiry=$expiry_seconds}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}subtree_expiry={$subtree_expiry_node_id} expiry={$expiry_seconds}{rdelim}
    {cache-block subtree_expiry=$subtree_expiry_node_id expiry=$expiry_seconds keys=array( $uri_string )}
    {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s' )} {ldelim}subtree_expiry={$subtree_expiry_node_id} expiry={$expiry_seconds} keys=array( $uri_string ){rdelim}

As far as I can see - things work fine.

Company: mediaSELF Sp. z o.o., http://www.mediaself.pl
eZ references: http://ez.no/partners/worldwide_partners/mediaself
eZ certified developer: http://ez.no/certification/verify/272585
eZ blog: http://ez.ryba.eu

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eZ debug

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