Collaboration notifications are not being sent

Author Message

Gabriel Finkelstein

Thursday 03 June 2010 2:30:50 pm

I can't seem to get the collaboration (ezapprove) notification to work.

I'm using the default cronjob.ini settings:


This settings in site.ini


And I have "Approval" checked in Dashboard > My notification settings.

And when i run

 php -C runcronjobs.php -s siteaccess_admin frequent

I get the following output

Using siteaccess siteaccess_admin for cronjob
Running cronjob part 'frequent'
Running cronjobs/notification.php at: 03/06/2010 21:26
Starting notification event processing
Completing cronjobs/notification.php at: 03/06/2010 21:26
Elapsed time: 00:00:00

Running cronjobs/workflow.php at: 03/06/2010 21:26
Checking for workflow processes
Status list
Evento del flujo de trabajo ha sido prorrogado a una tarea programada (cron job)(4): 4

0 out of 4 processes was finished
Completing cronjobs/workflow.php at: 03/06/2010 21:26
Elapsed time: 00:00:01

But I receive no email. I can confirm that the subtree notification emails are sent correctly, and that the items to be approved show up in Dashboard > Collaboration, but I get absolutely no emails regarding collaboration. I also checked in eZ Publish logs, syslog, and mail.log and I see no relevant information.

What am I missing?

Robin Muilwijk

Friday 04 June 2010 12:20:56 pm

Hi Gabriel,

Can you cehck the following topic;
Scroll down to the bottom, another user had a similar problem and he forgot to link a useraccount.

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

Gabriel Finkelstein

Friday 04 June 2010 1:22:03 pm

Thank you for answering.

Dashboard > Notifications > Approval is checked, so that's not it.

Nicolas OTTAVI

Tuesday 03 August 2010 3:52:41 am

Hi Gabriel,

I have the same problem as you ...Did you find any solution ?

Thank you,

Nico O

Gabriel Finkelstein

Tuesday 03 August 2010 9:12:28 am

No, I haven't.

Andy Caiger

Wednesday 01 December 2010 11:18:47 pm


Hi Gabriel,

Can you check the following topic;
Scroll down to the bottom, another user had a similar problem and he forgot to link a useraccount.

Regards Robin


I am that user! I hadn't set the user account to receive collaboration notifications. After doing so (Go to My Account -> My notification settings. Under Collaboration notification, make sure that the Approval checkbox is ticked) that user started to receive collaboration notifications. Great! But then we upgraded eZ Publish from 4.2 to 4.3 and the collaboration emails are no longer sent! Ordinary notification emails still work. What is going on?

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Andy Caiger

Thursday 02 December 2010 2:36:19 am

Problem solved by searching more deeply! This is due to a bug introduced into eZ Publish versions 4.3 and 4.4.

The solution at worked for me.

EAB - Integrated Internet Success
Offices in England, France & China.

Robin Muilwijk

Thursday 02 December 2010 11:08:26 am

Thanks for sharing the information Andy!

@Gabriel, can you check if the above also fixes your problem?

Regards Robin

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board - Member of the team - Key values: Openness and Innovation.

LinkedIn: // Twitter: // Skype: robin.muilwijk

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