create a object without form

Author Message

Pierre-Jean Bazire

Wednesday 11 October 2006 7:21:36 am

I need create an object without an intermediate form and no draft.
I know all values of my object.

I'm a beginner in ezPublish.



Abdul Rehman

Thursday 12 October 2006 4:03:00 am

These are just comments not a solution to your problem.
I am surprised that forum doesn't encourage beginners well to find solution for their problems.

Claudia Kosny

Thursday 12 October 2006 6:12:43 am

Hi Pierre

So you want to create it with PHP. To do this you have to write your won data import functionality. A good start is to check the contributions for importing, you might be able to use one of them directly or adapt it to your needs.

This post explains the single steps for object creation quite well.

Greetings from Luxembourg


Pierre-Jean Bazire

Monday 16 October 2006 1:04:30 am


I watch a other post of this forum :

I activate the extensions, but ...
I do a copy-paste and no match.

your solution is excelent , I program an extension for my web site.

It's fun because i don't know ezpublish :p


Xavier Dutoit

Monday 16 October 2006 2:36:35 am


Wrong url that you pasted on the post. Not sure what you're mentionning.

For your need, have a look at another extension: powercontent You can set a parameter to directly save the content. It would let you avoid writing php. Not sure what you want to do, might be a good option.


Pierre-Jean Bazire

Tuesday 17 October 2006 1:05:53 am

sorry for my broken link,

I test the extension powecontent, but it pre-perform but not save content directly.
My class have two Enhanced Object relation, one datetime and one combo-list with values 10 and 20.

I test powercontent with a simple class (one ezstring), it's pre-form , not save content.


Xavier Dutoit

Tuesday 17 October 2006 1:25:54 am

Have you read the readme?

Is says that you can publish immediately (ie not only prefill). Put the DoPublish field and that's going to make it.


Pierre-Jean Bazire

Friday 20 October 2006 2:03:33 am

It's so hard....
I pre-filled my form with the powercontent.

I use ezHTTP to prefilled my invisible form and the visitor validate this with a JS button.

When I not use the extension (normal mode), the function ezhttp not get my vars

I have a problem too with the draft, I find in the the section [ContentSettings] , I add EditDirtyObjectAction for not use the draft version


Thanks for all


Kristof Coomans

Friday 20 October 2006 2:06:35 am

Hello Pierre-Jean

Can you show us your code? Then we can have a look at it.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Pierre-Jean Bazire

Friday 20 October 2006 5:49:25 am

<b>my object :</b>

FilmSelect [Enhanced Object relation]
Utilisateur [Enhanced Object relation]
DateHeureAchat [Date et heure] (datetime) buy date
EtatSelect [Énumération] (enum-list)
element Sélection 10
element Achat 20

<b>in the page :</b>

{*formulaire d'appel*}
	<form method="post" action={"powercontent/action/"|ezurl} name="addcart" style="display:block" >
		<input type="hidden" name="NodeID" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="ClassID" value="35" />
		<input type="hidden" name="RedirectURIAfterPublish" value="/{$node.url_alias}"/>
		<input type="hidden" name="filmselect" value="">
		<input type="hidden" name="utilisateur" value="">
		<input type="hidden" name="etatselect" value="10">
		<input type="hidden" name="CreateButton" value="ajouter"/>

<b>in the submit form :</b>

{*fonction de remplissage du formulaire*}
function remplitForm()
// recupereration des différents éléments du formulaire
	var x=document.panier.elements ;
//construction des élements enhaced relation object	
var film = "ContentObjectAttribute_data_object_relation_id_list_"+{$content_attributes[0].id}+"[empty]" ;
	var util = "ContentObjectAttribute_data_object_relation_id_list_"+{$content_attributes[1].id}+"[empty]" ;

// parcoure des element et selection des valeurs
	for (i=0;i<x.length;i++){
		if(x[i].type == 'select-one'){
			if(x[i].name == film){
				for(j = 0 ; j < x[i].length;j++){
						x[i][j].selected = 'selected' ;
			if(x[i].name == util){
				for(j = 0 ; j < x[i].length;j++){
						x[i][j].selected = 'selected' ;
	var mode={if eq(ezhttp('CreateButton'),'ajouter')}'Sélection'{else}'Achat'{/if};

//remplissage des champs dates
document.panier.ContentObjectAttribute_datetime_year_{$content_attributes[2].id}.value = {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%Y' )} ;
	document.panier.ContentObjectAttribute_datetime_month_{$content_attributes[2].id}.value = {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%m' )} ;
	document.panier.ContentObjectAttribute_datetime_day_{$content_attributes[2].id}.value = {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%d' )} ;
	document.panier.ContentObjectAttribute_datetime_hour_{$content_attributes[2].id}.value = {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%H' )} ;
	document.panier.ContentObjectAttribute_datetime_minute_{$content_attributes[2].id}.value = {currentdate()|datetime( 'custom', '%i' )} ;
	for (i=0;i<x.length;i++){
		if(x[i].type =='radio')	{
			if(x[i].value == mode){
				x[i].checked = 'checked';
				x[i].checked = '';

<form name="panier" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action={concat("/content/edit/",$,"/",$edit_version,"/",$edit_language|not|choose(concat($edit_language,"/"),''))|ezurl}>
	<table class="layout" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
		<td valign="top" style="display:none">
		<input type="hidden" name="DiscardConfirm" value="0" />
			{include uri="design:content/edit_attribute.tpl"}
			<input class="defaultbutton" type="submit" name="PublishButton" value="acheter"/>
			<input class="button" type="submit" name="DiscardButton" value="annuler" />

<b>explication : </b>

this code pre-fill too the datetime,enhaced object relation and enum-list.

The comment is in french, sorry.

explications :

second part :

in javascript fonctions
- Get all elements of my form
- Construct my var with the id of enhaced object relation.

- browse all my element with the select-one and equal to my var.
- set the value with ezhttp.

- the is the current date of my server.

- browse all my radio button and set the value (not generic and not optimize)

- the last line simulate a click in the button publish.

It's a speed code, no optimization, no generic code


Xavier Dutoit

Sunday 22 October 2006 10:35:26 am

Salut Pierre-Jean,

Not sure I got your problem.

However,the names of the forms aren't the correct onces for powercontent to work properly I suspect. Is the form properly filed ?

As for the draft, could you detail your problem ?


P.S. Not sure if the powercontent to download on the contrib area is up to date compare to the one in the . I think the doc is more complete on the svn.

Kristof Coomans

Monday 23 October 2006 5:16:37 am

Actually there is not a contribution page for powercontent yet. I'll make one when I come out of lazy mode :-)

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Xavier Dutoit

Tuesday 24 October 2006 12:32:25 am

Too busy kissing the nose of TLPOD ? ;)

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