Monday 26 April 2004 7:03:41 am
In order to achieve the stuff that you wish to achieve, do this:
Don't add any more attributes to the article class. Use the power of related objects instead. Example:
1) Create a couple of images in the "Media" part of eZ publish.
2) Edit an article.
3) Click on the small magnify glass icon (on the right).
4) Locate & select the images that you wish to include (navigate to media using the menu on the left).
5) Back in the article edit mode, the images will be displayed on the right hand side.
6) Copy and paste the XML code that is under each image into the desired positions within the body text-field (this will tell eZ publish to display the images). 7) Publish the thing. That's it; may the force be with you! Balazs PS: Depending on the eZ publish version you're using, you might have to create an override template for images within XML code.