eZ Authorize

Author Message

Brookins Consulting

Monday 12 December 2005 7:05:53 pm

Hello, this forum is for the continued community support and development of the <b>eZ Authorize</b> extension.


* Donations are encouraged as a way to support the previous and continued development of the eZ Authorize solution. http://blog.brookinsconsulting.com/2007/01/16/18

* Paid installation support, general support and (<i>new</i>) feature development can be purchased directly through Brookins Consulting. http://brookinsconsulting.com/about/contact

<b>Last Documented Version</b>: <i>1.3.0</i>
<b>Last SVN Revision</b>: <i>Rev 1340 - 2006-10-26 13:16:19 +0200 (Thu, 26 Oct 2006)</i>
<b>Log Message</b>: <i>Updated: Added: eZ publish presentation 'eZ publish payment gateways' (odp,pdf,ppt) to eZ Authorize documentation</i>

<i>10/26/2006</i> - Updated Repository; Added 1.3.0 binary packages (tar.gz, zip, bz2) in releases/1.3.0/ Please update to <i>Rev 1340</i>
<i>12/13/2005</i> - Updated Repository; Added 1.0.0 binary package (tar.gz) in releases/1.0.0/
<i>12/13/2005</i> - I am proud to announce that Brookins Consulting has released a brand new kind of eZ publish payment gateway extension called, <b>eZ Authorize</b>.

<b>About</b>: eZ Authorize enables eZ publish to securely submit credit card payments from customers to the Authorize.Net credit card payment processing service.

eZ Authorize is a well implemented, feature rich, payment gateway and true eZ publish extension which provides eZ publish with the ablity to accept credit card payments from customers during checkout in an eZ publish e-commerce store.

eZ Authorize supports a new feature not available until now, the ability to allow your customer to choose from more than one payment method at checkout.

Sites which use the eZ Authorize extension can for example allow customers to choose to pay for products during checkout using paypal or credit card.



<b>SVN Log</b>:
<b>SVN Log RSS</b>:

<b>Success Stories and References</b>
We continue to look forward <i>hearing</i> just what you think from each of the many users of eZ Authorize as they test, examine, review and use eZ Authorize as the provider of their own eZ publish payment gateway solution.

eZ Partner | North American Experience

kracker (the)

Wednesday 18 January 2006 7:35:14 am

Wow ... Wow,

<i>Now I'm just flat out looking to hear the silence from the void echo out into the metaverse in no specific direction ...</i> (humor)

- Did <b>anyone</b> find this contribution useful?
- Did <b>anyone</b> even try out and or use the contribution :?
- Are eZ publish e-commerce solutions (as used by <i>USA</i> developers) gone the way of eZ publish 3 Ajax solutions :? -> <i>re: http://lists.ez.no/pipermail/sdk-public/2006-January/001852.html</i>

2pac - Loyal to the Game - Thug for Life (INSTRUMENTAL)</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Samuel Sauder

Monday 23 January 2006 11:10:52 am

I already use Authorize.net in a minimal way (outside ezpublish), so I am interested to see what I can do with this extension. But its not high on my priority list.
So don't give up! This is worth it!

Chris G

Tuesday 29 August 2006 1:42:58 am

I just downloaded the Ez-Authorize contribution for the latest version of ez publish which at the time of this posting is 3.8.3 however; I was concerned it didn't work for the latest version, I collaborated with Graham at Brookins Consulting and he discovered that the version of php may effect the install process of the ez-authorize contribution they made. He quickly found the error and now it seems to work fine, so I will post the procedure incase others run into the same problem.

First off, during the install of ezauthorize when youre creating the workflow command in the installation instructions, if you suddenly get several errors like

PHP Warning:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated - argument passed by value;  If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of [runtime function name]().  If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file.  However, future versions may not support this any longer.  in /hermes/data11/b2215/ph.d30063181/forum/ips_kernel/class_db_mysql.php on line 171

or during the saving of the site.ini.append.php file (assuming your in the workflow editor at the time) its due to the version of php that is running on your server. The version I was running was PHP Version: 4.4.2 it was the answer in an email Gram sent me below.

<b>"In new versions of PHP there is no need to indicate the variable $this
as passed by reference. This is done in the definition of a function. So
remove the *&* in &$this and the error message disappears."</b>

I will be uploading the new changes in the contribution area, so if you download the latest ezauthorize you should be good to go. If you have any questions concerning this solution you can contact Graham at Brookins Consulting they do a grand job and seem to be right on top of it.

Good Luck
Ez-Authorize IS as good as it seems to be...works great..

Brookins Consulting

Thursday 26 October 2006 4:56:28 am


Thank you for your kind words and even more so for your forum documentation of both the problem and solution to adding php v4.4+ compatibility to <b>eZ Authorize</b>. I enjoyed collaborating with you towards our combined goals....


A much improved release of <b>eZ Authorize</b> (<i>v.1.3.0</i>) today has been completed, branched, documented, packaged, released, published and now promoted!


Everyone can get the very latest extension source via binary packages or subversion (svn). Because of the additional security additions I would recommend folks upgrade to the latest release as soon as possible.

The upgrade process should be both transparent and seamless. You may want to copy over the additional new settings into your settings files.

If you have any further problems please let us all know via this forum.


I have heard from well over five different <b>eZ Authorize</b> users, customers and developers using <b>eZ Authorize</b> as a rock solid provider of Authorize.net payment processing within eZ publish for public ecommerce applications, many using it for several different eZ publish application / installation, while others modify it to suite their own individual needs and others as a basis for their own custom / unique / different payment gateway solutions.

With this positive feedback we aim to continue the further development and support of this extension.


Developers, customers and end users should look forward to the following features currently on our own <b>eZ Authorize</b> 'wishlist'.
- <i>Improved customer CCV2 explanation / image to the payment information template (font end)</i>
- <i>Replacement of hard coded shop account handlers with a flexible solution</i>

If you have a feature you would like to see added / provided by <b>eZ Authorize</b>, <i>just ask!</i>

eZ Partner | North American Experience

kracker (the)

Thursday 26 October 2006 5:30:16 am


It's great to hear that eZ publish developers and users are beginning to see the value in using eZ Authorize for their own eZ publish commerce solutions in North America!

<i>Looking forward</i> the features highlighted in your 'wishlist'.

I too would like to see some of the additional features listed in the doc/TODO!

<i>* SSL ADJAX client support for true transparent payment
authorization without requiring a refresh of the end users page.

* Encrypted payment information object record storage

* SSL+ACL+Static IP+MAC Address Checking for remote transfers of encrypted
payment information records to be downloaded in a standard file format
(xml) and stored in encrypted form within an encrypted disk requiring two
unique gpg/pgp keyring stored on a removable usb disk (key).</i>


<i>Name:</i> Order modification and Payment re-authorization via eZ publish Administration

<i>Description:</i> A web based administration gui to list and view payment information,
select a payment record to view individual record information and either ...

1) Allow order to be modified, totals updated, note regarding / describing the changes to order,
re-authorization of payment information and issue email alerts to both customer and admin roles.

2) (or alternately) Prompt for GPG/PGP Pass-phrase to decrypt and display the complete payment information (not cached unencrypted).

Allowing shop administrators to update an order after the initial order is placed and re-verify funds are available from within eZ publish.

This is very often useful when a customer calls a vendor after placing an order and wishes to make changes to the order before shipment and invoice/billing/debit.

<i>You can't tell me you don't hear hear the lyrical subtext ...</i>
<i>KMK - Koast II Koast - Neva Stop</i>
<i>KMK - Koast II Koast - Last Chance</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

J-A Eberhard

Wednesday 01 November 2006 12:41:35 pm


I'm trying to use your extension for a shop.

If I'm right, I had to move the ezcurlgateway.php into kernel/shop/classes.
I received the data from Authorize.Net and I made a copy of Login ID and Transaction Key in the ezauthorize.ini.append.php file.
There is one additional data I received that I had no idea what to do with, Transaction POST URL: https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll

I setup the rest of the workflow without problem.

If I do to the e-shop and by something, when I submit the data for the credit card, I have an error "(TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.".

Did I missed something?


Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

kracker (the)

Wednesday 01 November 2006 8:49:51 pm

<i>@J-A Eberhard

> I'm trying to use your extension for a shop.</i>

Greetings and Congratulation.
> If I'm right, I had to move the ezcurlgateway.php into kernel/shop/classes.
> I received the data from Authorize.Net and I made a copy of Login ID and
> Transaction Key in the ezauthorize.ini.append.php file.</i>

#1 - I don't believe you would need to 'move the ezcurlgateway.php' file into 'kernel/shops/classes'.

#2 - Please be certain you copy the file from the extension into your settings/override or setting/siteaccess/<siteAccessName> directory.

From: 'extension/ezauthorize/settings/ezauthorize.ini.append.php'

To: 'settings/override/ezauthorize.ini.append.php' or 'settings/siteaccess/<siteAccessName>/ezauthorize.ini.append.php'

#3 - Check for normal eZ publish + webserver user file / group permission for the setting / extension files and clear all cache(s).

> There is one additional data I received that I had no idea what to do with,
> Transaction POST URL: https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll</i>

This is currently not available as a setting, a feature which perhaps should be added. You may modify this url string/setting in the file 'classes/ezauthorizeaim.php',

Search for the line "var $transact_url = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll';" which you can modify as needed.

> I setup the rest of the workflow without problem.</i>

Great! These are simple steps, now well documented.

> If I do to the e-shop and by something,
> when I submit the data for the credit card,
> I have an error "(TESTMODE) The merchant login ID
> or password is invalid or the account is inactive.".</i>

I think the settings were not properly installed in the eZ publish 'settings/' directory.


<i>Daddy X - Freedom</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

J-A Eberhard

Thursday 02 November 2006 2:20:29 am

Thanks for the details.
I missed that one
" From: 'extension/ezauthorize/settings/ezauthorize.ini.append.php'
To: 'settings/override/ezauthorize.ini.append.php' "
but I still have the same error.
What did I missed?
Are the test code I received from authorize.net correct?
They are:
Login ID: cnpdev4444
Transaction Key: 623P88zxd6Pj3Pz6

Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

kracker (the)

Thursday 02 November 2006 3:59:40 am

<i>@J-A Eberhard</i>

First, please edit (<i>remove</i>) your keys out of your last post.

What type of an authorize.net account do you have? AIM vs SIM?

eZ Authorize supports AIM not SIM.

The error message is clear about the end resulting problem.
<i>"The merchant Login ID is invalid or the account is inactive."</i>

The account information provided run time to authorize.net service
is not the correct information <i>or ...</i> the account or extension
is in test mode. These settings are key and must match.

What version of php, eZ publish and eZ Authorize are you using?

These versions must match and might make a difference.

Also attempt to complete a transaction and check your php error logs for related errors.

Deprecated: <i>php <= 4.3.11 requires eZ publish 3.6.x which requires eZ Authorize 1.0</i>

Supported: <i>php >= 4.4.0 requires eZ publish 3.7.0+ which requires eZ Authorize 1.3.0+</i>

I think Brookins Consulting offers hands free professional support for this extension as well.

<i>mc chris - dungeon master of ceremonies - o*mc</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

J-A Eberhard

Thursday 02 November 2006 4:22:45 am

Don't worry, the keys are the test account provided by Authorize.net.... (hackers, useless to test it, you will not be able to buy anything...)
eZ publish is 3.8.6 on php 4.4
How can I know if this is an AIM or SIM ?

Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

kracker (the)

Thursday 02 November 2006 7:31:16 pm

You can enable verbose debugging by first enabling the 'eZ publish' debug output and then enabling the 'eZ Authorize' debug. (see example setting below)

From file: '<i>settings/override/site.ini.append.php</i>'

# DebugOutput=disabled

From file: '<i>settings/override/ezauthorize.ini.append.php</i>'

# Extension Debug
# Debug=false

Enabling this debug output will display the transaction key, merchant login, md5 secret word, transaction hash sent and returned to authorize.net


<i>mc chris - dungeon master of ceremonies - blastic</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Friday 03 November 2006 1:50:10 pm

<b>Test Accounts are different in behavior than paid accounts</b>

I have also encountered similar breakdowns as described above (regarding fatal error, merchant settings / keys / mode) using the basic (free as in 'free beer') developer / testing account which has not been activated (paid fees) to allow you to switch from 'test' mode to 'live' mode.

something I've noticed ... hth

<b>The basic difference between AIM and SIM payment gateway integration method</b>

AIM = <i>Transparent</i> to user during checkout

SIM = Requires <i>redirection</i> to secure external web page during checkout

eZ Authorize only supports the AIM Authorize.Net API, as it is the preferred standard.

<i>kmk - last chance</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

J-A Eberhard

Sunday 05 November 2006 8:30:35 am


Tried with the debug output, here is the result

Debug: eZAuthorizeGateway response

array(69) {
  ["Response Code"]=>
  string(1) "3"
  ["Response Subcode"]=>
  string(1) "2"
  ["Response Reason Code"]=>
  string(2) "13"
  ["Response Reason Text"]=>
  string(83) "(TESTMODE) The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive."
  ["Approval Code"]=>
  string(6) "000000"
  ["AVS Result Code"]=>
  string(1) "P"
  ["Transaction ID"]=>
  string(1) "0"
  ["Invoice Number"]=>
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(6) "567.00"
  string(0) ""
  ["Transaction Type"]=>
  string(12) "auth_capture"
  ["Customer ID"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Cardholder First Name"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Cardholder Last Name"]=>
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  ["Billing Address"]=>
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to First Name"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to Last Name"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to Company"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to Address"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to City"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to State"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to Zip"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Ship to Country"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Tax Amount"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Duty Amount"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Freight Amount"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Tax Exempt Flag"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["PO Number"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["MD5 Hash"]=>
  string(32) "A8DCEC6E0E64C02DB5AF5F67539FA1D5"
  ["Card Code (CVV2/CVC2/CID) Response Code"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Cardholder Authentication Verification Value (CAVV) Response Code"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 0"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 1"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 2"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 3"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 4"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 5"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 6"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 7"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 8"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 9"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 10"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 11"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 12"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 13"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 14"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 15"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 16"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 17"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 18"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 19"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 20"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 21"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 22"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 23"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 24"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 25"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 26"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Reserved Field 27"]=>
  string(0) ""
  ["Merchant Defined Field 0"]=>
  string(6) "sdgasg"

With override/ezauthorize.ini.append.php been

# Extension Debug

# Better Security avialable from curl version > 7.1
# Respose gets verified

# (Required) Authorize.Net Merchant Login User Name

# (Required) Authorize.Net Transaction Key

# Enable or Disable Authorize.Net Test Mode
# TestMode disables charing credit card


## Optional

# Provide Customer CVV2 Code Input Verification

# Perform Authorize.Net Hash Verification


# Send Customer Authorize.Net Payment Confirmation Email

# Stock eZ publish provides customer information in order,
# if enabled this sends the address information to Authorize.Net


# Currency Code of Payment
# Defaults to 'US Dollar/USD'
# See AIM_Guide.pdf Appendix I for a complete list


# The eZAuthorize extension can optionally set status codes on the 
# order to record the interaction with the payment gateway in the 
# order's status history. 
# The Start Status Code will be set just before connecting to 
# Authorize.net, and the Success and Failure Codes will be 
# set depending on the provided response. 

# To use these, create new Order Statuses using the Order Status
# Link in the Webshop tab of the eZ Publish Admin


Thanks for your help...

Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

J-A Eberhard

Monday 13 November 2006 3:09:32 pm

I would welcome some feedback.
Did anyone able to run this extension with the demo account?
Could someone running it with a live account having a look at my settings?
Thanks a lot.

Open Source Solution Provider
Open-Net Ltd Switzerland

kracker (the)

Monday 13 November 2006 5:01:57 pm

<b>@J-A Eberhard</b>

>I would welcome some feedback.</i>

I am sorry I did not reply again sooner.
>Did anyone able to run this extension with the demo account?</i>

I know of at least one use of eZ Authorize in production now,
validating credit card transactions as we speak.

>Could someone running it with a live account having a look at my settings?</i>

I can myself can only do so much to troubleshoot via a forum.

I would urge you to contact the creator of eZ Authorize for further support directly.

It's just that hands on touch that seems to make all the difference.

<i>beethoven - minuet in g</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Thursday 14 December 2006 12:55:20 pm

Download links need to be fixed in your original post:


Brookins Consulting

Thursday 14 December 2006 3:33:26 pm

Thank you Peter! Thread updated.

eZ Partner | North American Experience

Brookins Consulting

Friday 05 January 2007 5:08:01 pm

Brookins Consulting is proud to announce the publication of a new article about eZ Authorize and eZ publish payment gateways on <i>http://ez.no/community/articles</i>, <i>http://ez.no/community/articles/installing_an_ez_publish_payment_gateway</i>

The article covers in detail the configuration of eZ Authorize for your e-commerce store.
We are planing now new features for eZ Authorize and eZ publish e-commerce solutions.
If you have a suggestion or request, please feel free to discuss in this thread.

eZ Partner | North American Experience

kracker (the)

Tuesday 16 January 2007 7:55:50 pm

Here is a thread loosely related to eZ Authorize and Authorize.net

<b>Sole : Bottle Of Humans : I Don't Rap In Bumper Stickers ...</b>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.

eZ debug

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