eZ publish 3.3 with Apache 2 - status?

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Thursday 04 March 2004 4:14:57 am

We've been waiting with the upgrade to apache 2 on our site(due to problems with other eZ publish sites running Apache 2).

Does anyone have status on this issue? Is is now "safe" and stable ;) to run eZ publish with Apache 2?

James Packham

Thursday 04 March 2004 4:41:06 am

Recently I've been faced with the same issue too, as we had to make the decision on whether we rolled out EZ to new servers running apache 2 or 1.3. The big problem seems to be a PHP/Apache issue which is supposed to effect session variables. Although I can't say for certain whether this is still an issue I wouldn't recommend it for a production server until EZ Systems make some kind of announcement to give it the all clear.

On the other hand I run it on a server used for development only and it (seems) fine.




Thursday 04 March 2004 4:55:57 am

Tnx. I think we'll wait until eZ Systems give us a 'GO' :)

Tore Skobba

Thursday 04 March 2004 5:18:14 am

If am using Apache 2 for production (http://www.grunderskolen.no) and everything seems to work fine (knock knock).

Trond Åge Kvalø

Monday 08 March 2004 5:35:45 am

Actullay I spoke with eZ systems regarding this issue today. And they do not recommend Apache 2.0, or should I say PHP doesn't recommend it.

Do not use Apache 2.0 and PHP in a production environment neither on Unix nor on Windows."

This is a quote from

Guess this should clear things up a bit :-)

Best regards


Bruce Morrison

Monday 08 March 2004 4:55:07 pm

RedHat supply apache 2 (httpd-2.0.46-26.ent) and and php 4.3.2 (php-4.3.2-8.ent) with their Enterprise Linux product (supported).

We are currently testing eZ Publish on this platform and so far have not encounted any issues running ezPublish (though it's early days yet)


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Monday 15 March 2004 5:56:34 am

Hi Bruce!

How big is your site? How many objects do you have in your database, or how many mb/gb is your database?

It's also interesting to know if you have a lot of roles, sections, how many own-made classes etc. etc.

If you have testet this platform with Apache 2 and have a small site(a little bit larger in size than the demo), then it's not easy to take your test-results into consideration.

It would be nice if someone with a large site (many objects, roles, sections etc. etc) could give feedback on how eZ publish works with Apache 2 and new PHP and Mysql versions.

..or maybe eZ can give us recommendations on what to do, because our company are planning to upgrade to RedHat AS 3.0 with Apache 2..and it's not so cool to downgrade, because other site on the same server needs Apache 2.

So, Bruce..maybe your site is big, so lett me know the info I mention above :)
Would be of a great help!


Bård Farstad

Monday 22 March 2004 11:41:18 pm

We will not recommend running eZ publish ( or any PHP application ) on Apache 2 until the PHP group says that it's stable. The main problem is that Apache 2 is using threads, but PHP is not thread safe. This means that strange things can happen when serving multiple requests. With very low load and one concurrent user this should not be a big problem, but on larger sites with much traffic you can have problems.

That beeing said: there are people running eZ publish on Apache 2, it does "work" - but we do not recomment doing this in production.


Documentation: http://ez.no/doc

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eZ debug

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