Tuesday 23 November 2010 11:16:32 pm
Hi all
I'm working on some code that needs to identify if a particular user has edit access to a eZContentObject and have been running some tests using eZContentObject::checkAccess.
I found some strange code at the end of this method that modifies the result after the polices have been checked:
if ( $access == 'denied' )
if ( $functionName == 'edit' )
// Check if we have 'create' access under the main parent
if ( $this->attribute( 'current_version' ) == 1 && !$this->attribute( 'status' ) )
$mainNode = eZNodeAssignment::fetchForObject($this->attribute( 'id' ), $this->attribute( 'current_version' ) );
$parentObj = $mainNode[0]->attribute('parent_contentobject' );
$result = $parentObj->checkAccess( 'create',$this->attribute( 'contentclass_id' ),
$parentObj->attribute( 'contentclass_id' ), false, $originalLanguage );
if ( $result ) {
$access = 'allowed';
return $result;
This is my interpretation:
If a user doesn't have edit access to the object and the current version = 1 and the object has a status of draft then
If the user can create an object of the same type under the same node then user can edit that object.
Can anyone let me know why/if this code is required?
P.S. It would also be great if the method could take a additional parameter $user that defaulted to false. The method could check if it was a eZUser type and use it or get the current user if not. This would make is a lot more flexible :)
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