Fabien Mas
Tuesday 29 May 2007 5:48:04 am
I use the ezdesign operator in my pagelayout to calculate the stylesheets paths
But when I validate a form on a /content/edit/8000/1/ page, all my stylesheets paths are wrong
If I refresh my page (F5 on FireFox or IE), my paths become right I don't understand why... any idea ? thx, Fabien
Eric Bourgain
Wednesday 06 June 2007 9:38:48 am
Some more precision about what happens. The template is called in the 'execute' method of a workflow eventtype, as follows:
= array('templateName' =>
'templateVars' =>
array('approve_user_list' => $preselection,
'warning' => false,
'submit_uri' =>false,
'cancel_uri' =>false,
'request_uri' => '/approve/select_approver',
'version' => $versionID,
'object_id' => $parameters['object_id'],
'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri));
This occurs in the front site. I don't know for the back
When seen, the url is a /content/edit/... as stated by fabien
When we add trace in ezurloperator.php, we see that the first time, we have a bunch of matchkeys, but just one when we refresh (i.e. when it works) We really need help!