Tuesday 26 January 2010 6:34:08 pm
Hi Damien I suspect there may be a lot more hacking involved going down the pre-read trigger route as all the content views as well as the user module views would have to be covered and this would involve modifying a significant number of core distribution files (effecting upgrades etc...). The reason I mentioned pre_check.php is because it's called before all accesses allowing a single entry point and limiting the core modifications to a single file. A powerful addition to eZ publish would be to allow code to be run before (and after) all requested module/view. This would be like before and after filters in Rails. I guess this is expanding the current workflow system to allow for system wide entry points that don't rely on the triggers defined in each module. At this stage I suspect that the functionality will be implemented with a custom template operator that will be added to pagelayout.tpl with the presentation of the T&C & acceptance handled by a custom module. This approach should be able to be contained in an extension and not involve any core file hacking.
Cheers Bruce
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